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The Trial of Goldilocks

The Trial of Goldilocks

By Joseph Robinette.

Product Code: T81000

One-act Play


Cast size: 14 to 20+ any gender.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Awards: The Charlotte B. Chorpenning Playwright Award

Rights and availability

This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf


In rhyme, mime and mirth, this exciting comedy examines the familiar fairy tale from three points of view: the traditional, the Bears', then Goldilocks'. Guilty or innocent? Was the young girl a selfish, spoiled brat, intruding where she didn't belong? Or was she the victim of three conniving bears (and their animal "band of hoods" in the woods)? Complete with a hard-of-hearing judge, a harried clerk, two comic lawyers and a jury (of any size)—which gets involved in the action as tables, chairs, beds and forest animals—this charming one-act play is perfect for performers of all ages. From the opening moment, when three vendors attempt to hawk souvenirs among the audience, to the surprising verdict from the jury—and a "happily ever after" conclusion—this play, performed completely in verse, is both unique and enchanting.


Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show One-act Play
  • Product Code T81000
  • Minimum Cast Size 14
  • Pages of Dialogue 29
  • Min. Royalty Rate $55.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 45 min
  • Staging Simple set.


  • Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School
  • Performing Group Middle School | High School | College Theatre
  • Genre Comedy
  • ISBN(13) 9780871290038

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

This play was great for my Grade 9 class! The rhyming makes it easy for them to memorize, staging is simple, and it's a good fit for their level. Many thanks to the playwright!

Matthew Muirhead, Sacred Heart High School, Stittsville, Ontario

The play went very well -- it's such a cute script -- the elementary students who watched us perform were completely mesmerized.

Shena Vasko, Newark High School, Newark, OH

... The play was well received and Goldilocks' ever-changing character got plenty of hoots!

Sherry Boharic, Boca Home Schoolers, Coconut Creek, FL

Great playÑterrific humor. Appropriate for all ages. Our drama club is really enjoying it and I know the audiences will, too. Lots of flexibility with castÑthat helps!

Anne Frye, Maternity BVM Catholic School, Bourbonnais, Ill.

An excellent play for audiences of all ages!! An excellent play for teaching theatre craft, life skills, language skills and ensemble discipline and cooperation. Well worth the time and effort needed to do it well!!

Sharon Sproule, Espanola Little Theatre, Espanola, Ontario, Canada

I have directed many plays with 4-6 graders. The Trial of Goldilocks is clearly the best. When I see former students years after they've performed in it, they speak of [it] with great affection.

Mark Nyegaard, Bertha Holt Elementary School, Eugene, Ore.

This is a very good play for a beginners class, mainly because all the cast is on stage for the entire performance. The rhymed verse makes the lines easy to learn. Costumes, props, sets are all very minimal.

Marc Monroe, Nelson County High School, Bardstown, Ky.

A hilarious and perfectly written script based on true creative dramatics principles; great for our youngest actors; fun; short; "doable" in a small of amount of rehearsal time.

Eve Hammond, Northshore Homeschool Networks, Woodinville, Wash.

The Trial of Goldilocks is far and away the best play I have ever seen or directed. It is humorous, profound, and provides all actors a terrific part. I've directed [it] every year, and my incoming students can't wait to perform it.

Mark Nyegaard, Bertha Holt Elementary School, Eugene, Ore.

The Trial of Goldilocks was perfect for our school. I really appreciated the flexibility in cast size. The play was easy to costume and stage and perfect for my cast which ranged from ages 4 to 12. The kids thought the play was "hilarious" which made practices even more enjoyable.

Jennifer Bond, Beth Eden Baptist School, Wheat Ridge, Colo.

This play was cute and easy to mount, and our young audiences loved it! It's also very flexible for casting. You can have the jury as big or small as needed.

Angela Robbins, Cumberland County High School, Crossville, Tenn.

This was a great play for my sixth-grade class. By expanding the jury section, each student was highlighted. We focused on pantomiming each story and had very little set needs for the court room.

Caitlyn Baldwin, Rollings School of the Arts, Summerville, S.C.

Hints, Tips, and Tricks

Having a full jury is helpful to the production.

Amy Demarco, Schulenburg ISD, Schulenburg, Texas

We used jury members as the furniture. This worked very well.

Sharon Cruse, Heritage Christian School, Indianapolis, Ind.

We found it best to keep it simple. Bear slippers, eye masks and some brown face paint were enough to get the idea across. We found that the more simple the set and costumes, the funnier it was for the audience. That's the great thing about a farce.

Lora Silagy, Porchlight Players, Ltd., Gypsum, Colo.

Lots of opportunities for audience participation!

Nate Campbell, Badger Ridge Middle School, Verona, Wis.


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