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Frequently Asked Questions About Promotions and Advertising

Can we use the artwork on the script cover or create our own artwork for promotional purposes?

Use of script artwork is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Dramatic Publishing to inquire about use of artwork for a specific title.

Yes, you may create your own artwork to promote your production. However, please be sure to understand and abide by all copyright laws if you plan to use artwork created by another artist.

How can I submit photos from my production for possible use in Dramatic Publishing's promotional materials?

Please email high-resolution photos from your production to our customer service department and include the following information:

  • Title of the play or musical
  • Date of the performance
  • Name and address of the producing organization
  • Actors' names as they appear from left to right. If there are more than five actors pictured, names are not necessary.

Receipt of the photos/artwork constitutes permission to use unless the photos are taken by a professional photographer, in which case you will need to secure permission for unlimited use from the photographer. Please note that photos/artwork mailed to us will not be returned.

What are the requirements for billing and credit?

Wherever the title of the play appears for purposes of advertising, publicizing, or otherwise promoting the play and/or your production, the name(s) of the author(s) must be at least half the size of the title of the play.

The statement "Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois" must appear on all programs and any other promotional material generated for this production.

Please also review any special billing requirements that may appear on the Important Billing and Credit Requirements page in the front of the printed playbook.

What is a logo pack?

Our Logo Packs will make promoting your show a breeze!

Logo packs are downloadable graphic elements that can be used to help create materials to promote your production. The graphics can be used on marketing materials such as posters, flyers, programs, social media, emails and t-shirts.

Each Logo Pack ($50.00) includes:

  • Logo in color (PNG, JPEG and PDF formats)
  • Logo in black/white (PNG, JPEG and PDF formats)
  • Social media graphics - one square graphic and one Facebook cover image (JPEG format)
  • Editable 11x17" poster (PDF format)
  • Up to three additional graphic elements (PNG, JPEG and PDF formats)

All Logo Pack images are inspired by the cover image on the playbook.

Which titles have logo packs available?

We have several titles with logo packs available. For a complete list of titles, click here

I don’t see the title I’m looking for. Can DPC create a logo pack for my title?

Depending on the title and how quickly assets are needed, DPC may be able to accommodate your request for an additional charge. Please email your request to customerservice@dpcplays.com for consideration.