Frequently Asked Questions About Livestreaming
"Livestreamed" refers to performances that are streamed online simultaneously as the actors are performing.
"Recorded and streamed" refers to performances that are pre-recorded or make use of an archival video, and are then played back for an audience.
Each performance type requires a different set of permissions. Therefore, permissions for "recorded and streamed" productions may not be available even if our website indicates that "livestream" rights are available.
If you are a K12 organization, your royalty fee will be the minimum royalty rate as shown in the gray box on the product page for the title.
If you are an amateur or professional theatre, your royalty rate will be based on the title selected and the information provided in the application. Please submit an application to obtain a royalty quote.
No, permission to stream is not included in our traditional license and permission may not be available. Please contact our customer service department to determine if a streaming rider can be added to your license. Please note that royalty rates may differ from what was initially quoted based on changes to your production plans.
Please contact us with any changes to your licensed request as royalty rates are determined based on the initial information provided.
Maybe. Traditional and livestream rights may not be available for all titles. Please contact us to discuss your request and review available options.
All licensed streams must be password protected. Open streams will not be permitted.
Use of non-protected platforms is expressly forbidden for any Dramatic Publishing title and is in direct violation of all applicable copyright protections and laws.
Any platform is allowed as long as the stream can be protected in some way, with the use of password, access code or unlisted/private link. Use of non-protected platforms is expressly forbidden for any Dramatic Publishing title and is in direct violation of applicable copyright protections and laws.
YouTube can be used as a platform ONLY IF the recording or livestream is uploaded as an unlisted link. This will allow the stream to only be viewed by those with the direct link to the stream.
Instagram and Facebook do not allow for the streams to be password protected, so they are not accepted options.
We encourage you to join our private Facebook group to connect with other theatre professionals and discover what has worked (or not worked!) well for other organizations. Click here to join our Theatre Collaboration Group on Facebook.
No. Many of our titles have archival rights that grant permission for the organization to keep one copy of the recording for archival purposes, but prohibit distribution. Please contact customer service to determine if creating an archival video is permitted for the particular title you are interested in.
We currently offer livestream rights on more than 1,200 titles. They can be viewed here on our website.
We are continually working to obtain permission to stream additional titles. Please contact our customer service department if there is a particular title you are interested in.
Unfortunately, there are some titles that we are unable to offer or obtain streaming permission for. The product pages for these titles will have a note indicating streaming permission is not available. These titles include, but are not limited to:
Twelve Angry Men (T42000)
Twelve Angry Women (T43000)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (L62000)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (One-act) (L23000)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Touring) (L54000)
Narnia (N01000)
Narnia (Touring)(N02000)
To Kill A Mockingbird (T91000)
To Kill A Mockingbird (Revised) (T34000)
Winnie-the-Pooh (Musical) (W01000)
A Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas Tail (W03000)
Winnie-the-Pooh (Sergel) (W37000)
A Winnie-the-Pooh (Touring) (W72000)
The House at Pooh Corner (H31000)
The Giver (G91000)
The Giver (Two-act) (GC9000)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (C53000)
Black Nativity (B72000)
Yes, digital scripts cannot be shared or distributed without permission. A cast quantity of either physical or digital scripts is a requirement of both live productions and streamed productions.
For a list of titles that are currently available digitally, click here.
If you don't see a particular title you are looking for in this list, please complete this brief Digital Script Request Form.
Yes, radio plays may be performed as audio-only streaming performances. Royalty fees will be calculated in the same manner as for regular streaming performances.
You can apply for rights using our regular streaming application form found here. Please indicate in the "Additional Information" section of the application that you will be doing an audio-only performance of the radio play you have chosen.
Also, please note that the script may not be changed in any way for an audio-only performance without specific permission in writing from Dramatic Publishing.
The chosen platform for the audio-only stream will also need to be protected, with the use of a password, access code or by utilizing an unlisted/private link.