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One Act Plays


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One Act Plays

items 1 to 10 of 831 total
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Our Place

Product Code: OA5000

One-act Play
Recommended For: High School | College Theatre | Touring Group
Cast Size: 7m., 7w.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 45 min.

The unassuming location of a dock extending out onto a small lake serves as the backdrop for five different stories: Jake and Holly are interrupted on their date by Anne and Lyle; Beth has plans to spend the day with her ailing dad at their favorite fishing place; Al and his family arrive for their family canoe trip—much to his family's dismay; Cory and Liberty picnic out by the lake; and Stanley is shown some perspective by his 6-year-old sister. In a poetic epilogue, they all gather on the dock and discover the true meaning of Our Place—both comedic and tragic.

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Available Formats
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Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf

Ridiculosis by Proxy

Product Code: RD4000

One-act Play
Recommended For: High School | College Theatre
Cast Size: 6 to 15m., 12 to 19w., 4 to 12 either gender. Doubling encouraged.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 45 min.

This play takes on society's innate fear of the unknown through vignettes that humorously illustrate the lengths to which people will go in order to avoid the latest threat to their health, whether it is real or imagined. The concept of a manufactured health crisis is the perfect vehicle to illustrate our cultural gullibility when it comes to medicine, disease and our predisposition for panic and irrational reaction when it comes to our well-being.

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Available Formats
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Min. Royalty Rate: $50.00/perf


By Ramon Esquivel.

Product Code: DJ2000

One-act Play
Recommended For: Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre | TYA
Cast Size: 1m., 3w.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 45 min.

Ten-year-old Memo learns that his beloved Abuelita has died. Grieving and dismissed by his mother and sister, Memo tries to find Abuelita’s hidden stash of candy, but instead is led by Abuelita’s spirit on a journey through her memories as a girl in Mexico and a young immigrant in the United States. Dulce draws on magical realism and slapstick comedy to tell a story about cultural identity, intergenerational ties and learning how to say goodbye.

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Available Formats
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Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf

Live to Tell

Product Code: LN9000

One-act Play
Recommended For: High School | College Theatre | Professional Theatre | TYA
Cast Size: 3w.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 35 min.

Whether you’re escaping from conflicts at home, within yourself or a country at war, you can become a target for human traffickers. With spirit, humor and honesty, three vulnerable teen girls, Alison, Makayla and Isabella, lead us through their harrowing descents—and escapes—from being used as property to reclaim their worth as human beings.

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Available Formats
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Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf

Merritt Anne and the Mighty Oak

Product Code: MT1000

One-act Play
Recommended For: Elementary School | Middle School | Community Theatre | TYA | Touring Group
Cast Size: 1m., 1w.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 45 min.

As a family gathers under the mighty oak tree that drapes their hometown to lay one of their own to rest, young cousins Merritt Anne and Wyatt plot their escape for happier pastures. They sneak away from the obligatory post-funeral meal in search of adventure. They climb trees, fish for tadpoles, sing their favorite songs and plan a future full of fun and fearlessness. But threaded through every moment is the remembrance of the funeral and all that it means.

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Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf

Checking In

Product Code: CT6000

One-act Play
Recommended For: Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre
Cast Size: 2 to 5m., 3 to 5w., 5 to 20 any gender, flexible.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 45 min.

Checking In tells a lifetime of stories including an expectant mom going into labor, a teenager learning to see the world beyond a screen, a couple finding love, the craziness of traveling with kids and, finally, waiting too long to take that dream vacation. These stories, and more, reflect the theme that “life is a journey—travel it well” and remind us that as we travel through life, it's the people we journey with who make it special.

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Available Formats
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Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf

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10 Seconds

Product Code: TX8000

One-act Play
Recommended For: Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre | TYA
Cast Size: 3m., 1w.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 45 min.

In a world where deeply rooted biases and misperceptions easily take hold, life can often feel unnerving—a journey that can change for better or worse in a blink of an eye depending on how we see each other. In 10 Seconds, we see through the eyes of Ray and Jimi, who navigate their young adult worlds and what it means to be young Black men in the city. Ray tells the story of a day that he and Jimi will never forget, sharing not only their perspectives, but also the views of the police they encounter.

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Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf


Product Code: MS5000

One-act Play
Recommended For: College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre | TYA
Cast Size: 3 any gender.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 30 min.

Two neighbors live side-by-side in Texas. A low fence separates their gardens, but much more divides them. One grows flowers; the other raises vegetables. One was born in the U.S., the other in Mexico. One speaks English, the other Spanish. Their differences have kept them so far apart that even the arrival of a caterpillar causes disagreement—until the resulting mariposa/butterfly, and its eventual departure, unites them in wonder, sadness and a new understanding of the beautiful world they share.

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Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf

A Trip to the Moon

Product Code: TX6000

One-act Play
Recommended For: Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre
Cast Size: 3 to 8m., 2 to 11w., 2 to 5 any gender, flexible.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 45 min.

Set in the transformative summer of 1969, A Trip to the Moon tells the story of people reaching for their dreams … dreams of love, dreams of equality, dreams of the stars. Told around the time of the moon landing, this vignette-style play is comprised of 8 scenes, each named after an iconic song from 1969. These scenes and more use humor and heart to teach us about who we once were and reflect on who we could be and remind us that to achieve the impossible, we must reach for the stars.

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Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf

The Tale of La Llorona as Told by Consuelo Chavez

Product Code: TX5000

One-act Play
Recommended For: Middle School | High School | Community Theatre | TYA
Cast Size: 2m., 3w., 1 to 2 any gender.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Approx. Run Time: 35 min.

A group of lifelong friends who are also eighth graders prepare for what they believe is their final time celebrating Halloween together. Unfortunately, the weather is undermining their trick-or-treating plans. The friends reveal they are afraid that going to high school will break up their group. As a distraction, they begin to tell scary stories. When one story becomes more real than imagined, they realize the experiences they’ve shared connect them all together, and they are determined to remain friends for life.

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Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $55.00/perf

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