Adapted by Charlotte Chorpenning.
Product Code: CH6000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 4m., 6w., can be performed by an all-female cast.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
A bewitching dramatization of this ageless story is made pictorially beautiful by the introduction of frequent dancing and music. Cinderella sees beautiful things in her daydreams and tries to live her little, starved life in a way to deserve them. Her stepmother and sisters catch her idling and tear up the dress she has made from their discarded ones. After they have departed for the prince's ball, the fairy godmother appears. She provides Cinderella with a dress which puts her sisters' glamorous gowns to shame, and sends her off to the ball in a golden coach. At the ball, she captivates the prince. But she stays too long, loses her slipper and escapes pursuit only after a breathless chase. The next day, when the prince comes looking for his lost princess, he tries the slipper on both stepsisters. Each sister tries vainly to make the slipper fit, and the prince is ready to leave before he discovers his princess.