Adapted by Max Bush. Based on the Olenberg manuscript and various editions of the tale The King's Daughter and the Enchanted Prince by the Brothers Grimm.
Product Code: FB1000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 6m., 5w., many extras.
Awards: The Charlotte B. Chorpenning Playwright Award
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
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Princess Luana plays with her golden ball near a well in the deep forest. There she meets the Hag, whose hand is stuck in a tree. Although she tries, Luana is unable to help her. Pantera, a wounded, adolescent panther, runs in, begging for her mother's (the Hag's) help. Prince Erik has wounded her and pursues her. After the prince threatens to throw Luana down the well if she doesn't tell him which way Pantera ran, Luana points to the Hag. Erik attempts to bargain with her, but he refuses to help her or to stop pursuing the magical Pantera. The Hag pulls her own hand from the tree, drops her outer robe revealing a much younger witch, and decides Erik's fate. She turns him into a frog and casts him down the well saying the only way he could become a man again is by successfully courting Princess Luana. A couple of years later, Luana again plays with her golden ball in the deep forest. The Hag appears and seems to bless the ball and Luana, who then accidentally throws her ball down the well. Erik, as a frog, hears her cries and offers to fetch the ball if she promises to let him eat from her bowl, drink from her cup, and be his companion for an evening. She agrees, he retrieves the ball, and she runs off without him. That evening, at her birthday celebration, Erik shows up and hilarious events follow as a now-humbled Frog Prince tries to woo the princess.
Thomas Beck, Lake Bluff Elementary School, Lake Bluff, Ill.