By Max Bush.
Product Code: ID6000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 9 to 10+ m., 7+ w.
Awards: The Charlotte B. Chorpenning Playwright Award
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In 2009, Jamie Foster, age 23, an Iraq war veteran now enrolled in a university, tries to piece together the truth about what happened one day in Baghdad with his friend Jalil, a local Iraqi national. In flashbacks to 2007, during "The Surge," we see the developing friendship between the 20-year-old American Army Private Foster and 21-year-old Jalil Khalifa Al-Majid, who operated as a street vendor just outside the patrol base. Jamie replays scenes from that day over and over, looking for clues as to what exactly happened. He searches U.S. videos of that day, captured enemy videos and videos of terrorist interviews. He contacts people who knew Jalil—including an American corrections officer who encountered Jalil in an Iraqi black-site prison. Jamie is particularly interested in an al-Arabiya interview with Shehedah Jawhar, a Palestinian terrorist who trained insurgents in Iraq during the time Jamie knew Jalil. Did Jalil know there was a roadside bomb? Did Jalil set it? Did Jalil train with Shehedah Jawhar? Was Jalil an ally? Did Jalil save Jamie's life that day? Della, Jamie's girlfriend, also an Iraq war veteran, seems convinced that Jalil is not as innocent as Jamie believes him to be and urges him to let it go and focus on his classes. But Jamie, struggling to believe in something, needs answers. First he must find Jalil, who seems to have disappeared.