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The Hobbit

The Hobbit

Based on the classic by J.R.R. Tolkien. Book by Ruth Perry. Music by Allan Jay Friedman. Lyrics by David Rogers.

Product Code: H03000


Comedy | Drama

Cast size: 40 characters, fewer with doubling.

No Livestream or Record and Stream Rights Available

Rights and availability

This title can be licensed and sold in the following countries:
United States

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $110.00/perf


This enchanting musical begins with a song by the greatest of all wizards: "I, Gandalf, / Best wizard that you'll see, / Bid the darling spirits / Send the band of dwarves to me." And as he sings, we hear the spirited marching song of the dwarves who pour down the aisles and onto the stage, singing bravely as they come: "Thirteen mighty dwarves / Straight and strong and true / Marching, marching on / With just one goal in view— / To slay the dragon, / The awful dragon, Smaug! / He took our home and burned and looted / Now he must be executed. / Thirteen mighty dwarves / Brawny brave and bold / Vowing we'll regain / Our ancestors' gold. / And slay the dragon / The awful dragon, Smaug." The reluctant Hobbit hero Bilbo Baggins is asked to join the band, for they can hardly hope to succeed as an unlucky thirteen. Bilbo finally agrees to the adventure! They encounter the dangerous trolls, then escape into Goblin country where Bilbo finds a gold ring with magical power. It's a ring of invisibility. Bilbo is cautious and thoughtful but saves them in every crisis, even in the climactic scene with the dragon Smaug.


No Livestream or Record and Stream Rights Available


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Musical
  • Product Code H03000
  • Minimum Cast Size 40
  • Pages of Dialogue 104
  • Min. Royalty Rate $110.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 155 min
  • Staging Flexible staging.


  • Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School | Family (all ages)
  • Performing Group Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre
  • Genre Comedy | Drama
  • ISBN(13) 9780871293930

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

The Hobbit is an engaging production, well thought out, an audience pleaser.

Janis K. Walton, Inland Community Youth Theatre, Riverside, CA

The male members of our audience, from grandpas to grandsons, were thrilled with our show. This was especially nice since the majority of our audiences are moms, daughters and grandmothers.

Linda Huff, Community Children's Theatre, Peoria, Ill.

One of the best things about this play, from a teacher's outlook, is there was something fun for every student (50+) to do no matter how talented. The class loved doing the play and the audience reported it to be our best ever.

Patty Larsen, Omak Middle School, Omak, Wash.

It was a magical production from start to finish with all our favorite Hobbit characters.

Virginia DuBois, St. Anthony Middle School, St. Anthony, Minn.

The script was greatÑit followed the original story well, shortened but not diluted. Our play was a huge success! The children shined and the performance was a crowd pleaser both for families and the rest of the community. In addition to having a great time, the children raised over $200 for Tsunami Relief.

Chris Powell, The Antioch School, Yellow Springs, Ohio

We performed The Hobbit at the conclusion of an intensive two-week summer theater workshop. After only 33 hours of rehearsal time, our cast of 37 children presented a delightful and believable adventure. The wide variety of roles was especially valuable to our age range (7-15 years) and the music was singable and memorableÑa joy to produce on many levels! We also appreciated the extensive production notes and character profiles.

Ann L. Holmes, 3-D Family Theatre, Deerfield, Wis.

Dragons, treasure and an exciting quest await Bilbo, the dwarves, and the many others they meet along the way in The Hobbit. This show is a great way to introduce children to the wonder and fantasy of Professor Tolkien!

Kelly MacIsaac, Watertown Children's Theatre, Watertown, Mass.

Hints, Tips, and Tricks

We used freezer boxes and made 24' tall trees for the Shire scene. This was simple and quick to do. The audience loved it. Also, for the dragon we used closed circuit TV and a projector to make the dragon 20' tall.

Patty Larsen, Omak Middle School, Omak, Wash.

We made the swords glow by painting them with glow-in-the-dark paint and having a black light behind one of the larger props. We made a giant papier mache dragon head and tail. These were on either side of three large black flats put together to represent the cave. The dragon head was mounted so it could roll and move. We used canned smoke for the dragon to breathe during "Breathin' Fire." This was an enormous hit.

Chris Powell, The Antioch School, Yellow Springs, Ohio

We performed The Hobbitin a dance studio rather than on a stage, so our "Smaug" consisted of two LARGE tubular legs hinged to a ladder structure which were raised and lowered by ropes (sort of a "trebuchet" construction). Smaug spoke from behind through a karaoke machine -- it was splendid!

Ann L. Holmes, 3-D Family Theatre, Deerfield, Wis.

Production Map

Location City State Opens Closes
Veritas Christian Community School Sierra Vista AZ 04/04/2025 04/05/2025
Open Stage of Harrisburg Harrisburg PA 04/10/2025 04/13/2025
ARIEL Theatrical salinas CA 10/03/2025 10/11/2025



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