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May the Farce Be With You

May the Farce Be With You

By David Rogers.

Product Code: M43000

Full-length Play

Comedy | Farce | Satire

Cast size: 9m., 15w. (8 bits.)

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Rights and availability

This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $110.00/perf


Acrobatman. Albatross, H20 Girl, Astarte, Tapeman, Miss Invisowrap, Electroman, Gadzooks. And that's only part of the cast of this comedy farce. They are members of the Elite Idealistic Earth Individuals Organization, commonly called the E.I.E.I.O. Their annual conference at a health spa called O. MacDonald's Farm (what else?) is attacked by invaders from the evil planet Inferna. Star Raider, the intergalactic villain, has discovered the secret of the E.I.E.I.O.'s strength: they all seem to be some insignificant Earth Person, then they change their clothes and become superheroes. So he has prepared a serum that will rob them of the ability to change clothes! Can the E.I.E.I.O. and the entire Earth be saved from enslavement by nonmembers Superbrain and Wizard Woman? Learn the answer in this takeoff on all the superheroes you've ever heard of.


Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Full-length Play
  • Product Code M43000
  • Minimum Cast Size 24
  • Pages of Dialogue 83
  • Min. Royalty Rate $110.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 90 min
  • Staging One int. set.


  • Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages)
  • Performing Group Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College Theatre
  • Genre Comedy | Farce | Satire
  • ISBN(13) 9780871296146

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

This is a light-hearted, pun filled script that was fun to put together into a successful show ...

Vanessa Martin, Prescott High School, Prescott, Ariz.

Fun, fun and crazy play! We had a blast performing this show.

Megan Litti, Flowing Wells Junior High School, Tucson, AZ

It was one of the funniest (and strangest) plays we've ever done. It was easy to stage.

Mary Jo Teets, Grandview High School, Hillsboro, Mo.

A blast! The Super Heroes all turned into comedians with the one-liners. It brought out the "actor" in everyone.

Janice Simon, St. Patrick School, Portland, Mich.

May the Farce Be With You was one of our most well received shows! The audience loved it and came back to see it again. It was an easily staged play. The students (cast) had fun creating costumes based on the script notes and their own imaginations. The cast went all out on costumes and characters. I enjoyed bringing the written work to life and loved every minute of producing this play. It is an awesome production for high schools!!

Tricia Lalumondier, Beech High School, Hendersonville, Tenn.

The audience absolutely loved this show, declaring it the best we'd ever done. The cast had a wonderful time from beginning to end. It was a great experience throughout!

Joshua Fix, Charleston Catholic High School, Charleston, W.V.


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Performance Poster pdf Download

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  • You can print the poster in its original format and hand write your information.
  • Your local copy shop should be able to create prints from a file saved to disk. They might even be able to increase the size of the poster for you (although some loss of resolution will occur).

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