By David Rogers.
Product Code: B18000
Full-length Play
Comedy | Satire
Cast size: 21m., 21w. (much smaller with doubling.)
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
A funny play that covers all aspects of a folk rock music festival. First we meet the promoters, Adam Garrison, scion of a Wall Street family who has hardly ever heard of a record, and Zippity Dewdar, a far-out music biz promoter. They plan to stage their festival on an island off Connecticut, owned by Candy Weaver, a pretty, sensible young girl with a financial problem and two dear, sweet old New England-type aunts. They book the talent, such widely diverse types as Oliver Twist, a gyrating rock performer; Myra Mobile, a balladeer of sad, sad songs; Ludwig von Beethoven, a romantically handsome singer of love songs; and such groups as King Kong and the Ape Men and the Wrigley Building. There is a seeming disaster when the bridge to the island washes out and a New England squall virtually drowns the entire festival. But the play and the festival come to a happy conclusion. The scenes are sharp and funny and the characters easily identifiable. This play is designed so that you can insert soft or hard rock musical numbers, thus making it a marvelous yet inexpensive musical.
Lisa Greenwood, West Junior High School, Lawrence, Kan.