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The Play Book: A Complete Guide to Quality Productions for Christian Schools and Churches

The Play Book: A Complete Guide to Quality Productions for Christian Schools and Churches

By Dwight Swanson and Travis Tyre.

Product Code: P81000


In Stock


An easy-to-read, practical handbook explaining everything you need to know about producing sketches, plays and musicals. Written especially for ministers and teachers, this fully illustrated book examines such topics as locating the right plays, sketches, musicals and holiday cantatas; understanding the audience's needs; sets, lighting, costumes, props and makeup; and conducting auditions, rehearsals and performances. The Play Book contains lists of publishers and theatrical suppliers, a glossary of stage terms, resources for further reading and much more! 8 1/2 x 11—190 pages, spiral bound.


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Book
  • Product Code P81000

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