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Introduction to Drama: Theatre Study for Christian Education - Student Manual (First Semester)

Introduction to Drama: Theatre Study for Christian Education - Student Manual (First Semester)

By Travis Tyre.

Product Code: I57000


In Stock


This manual is three books in one: a textbook, an activity book and a personal journal. Filled with activities, illustrations, valuable information and practical help, it encourages students to become active participants in the creative process every day. Units include: Movement, Improvisation, the Play, the Stage, Voice and sections on auditioning, rehearsing, building characterizations, overcoming stage fright and discovering theatre's past. Plays and monologues to perform in class, competitions and chapels are also included. 8 1/2 x 11—120 pages, comb bound.


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Book
  • Product Code I57000

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