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Authors   >   Travis Tyre

Travis Tyre

Photo of the author
Photo: Terri Culver.

Travis Tyre's career as a playwright, director and actor includes an off-Broadway run of The Divine Romance, which he wrote and directed; a stint with New York's National Shakespeare Company, playing Leontes in The Winter's Tale; and a national tour of his one-man show The Prisoner, the life of Paul the Apostle. He is the author of the popular ArtCan Drama line of theatre resources for church and school groups-Introduction to Drama (high school), The Play Book (practical handbook) and Journey Through Drama (elementary), all of which are distributed by Dramatic Publishing. His adaptation of The Prince and the Pauper was a 1993 Bonderman finalist. After a month-long stay in Moscow, he reimagined Hans Christian Andersen's The Princess and the Pea as a struggle between the classes in Czarist Russia. As a documentary scriptwriter, his award-winning work has been seen on The Discovery Channel, PBS and ABC. Tyre is currently the director of The Promise, the long-running musical of the life of Jesus at the Texas Amphitheatre. He lives in Arlington, Texas, with his wife, Elizabeth, and their sons, Andrew and Matthew.

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