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Journey Through Drama: A Creative Dramatics Activity Book for Grades 4-6

Journey Through Drama: A Creative Dramatics Activity Book for Grades 4-6

Edited by Travis Tyre. Contributors: Holly Lamb, Hollie Bedford, Stephen Taylor and Ann Sims.

Product Code: J27000


In Stock


Journey Through Drama takes young learners on a creative journey in a multicultural context! With more than 75 engaging activities, plays, games, pantomimes, stories, a puppet play and puzzles, this collection helps kids develop effective communication skills, self-confidence, awareness of themselves and others, and creative problem-solving strategies. With little to no preparation, classroom teachers, home school instructors or after-school providers can open the book to any page and immediately begin the fun!

Any class size or time limit will do:

5-10 minutes: Engage the group in a brief activity, game, puzzle, or fun story.

15-30 minutes: Start a quick lesson, initiate a project, perform a pantomime, or read one of the plays together.

30-45 minutes: Explore the elements of the stage, perform plays, and discover creative expression in different cultures (Greek, Medieval, Shakespeare, Italian, French, Japanese), including costumes through the ages. Purchasers are granted permission to reproduce the content.

8 1/2 x 11—184 pages, spiral bound. Includes permission to photocopy for classroom use.


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Book
  • Product Code J27000

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