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Everyman in the Circus of Life

Everyman in the Circus of Life

Adapted by Travis Tyre.

Product Code: E56000

One-act Play

Comedy | Drama

Cast size: 13 actors, may be played by 4 with doubling.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Rights and availability

This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $50.00/perf


Everyman in the Circus of Life is a contemporary retelling of Everyman that combines the fun and skills of circus performance with the exploration of one of the great dramas of the medieval world. All the characters remain, but they have become figures in a circus: Death is the ringmaster; Worldly Possessions a juggler; Strength a weight lifter, for example. The script includes an extended essay covering the background of medieval theatre from its beginning in the church and its development into miracle plays, mystery cycles and morality plays. It also includes the original Everyman, adapted by Travis Tyre, to make it accessible to the modern reader, as well as rehearsal activities and games.


Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show One-act Play
  • Product Code E56000
  • Minimum Cast Size 4
  • Pages of Dialogue 47
  • Min. Royalty Rate $50.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 45 min
  • Staging Simple set.


  • Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages) | Praise Groups
  • Performing Group Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Praise Group
  • Genre Comedy | Drama
  • ISBN(13) 9781583428764

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

I was so excited to find this piece! Everyman has played such a role throughout theatre history. I am so glad there is this adaption for a younger cast to be able to access. The script itself is wonderful. I love that the book includes the original text and explanations of the play's origin. I highly recommend this script if you are looking to push your students.

Aimee Belwood, Christ the King School, Atlanta, Ga.

We loved performing this show! It was the perfect piece for middle schoolers and challenged them to grow in their performance skills ...

Wendi Andersen, Tison Middle School, Fort Worth, Texas

This script has so much background information! It was a great way to teach young actors how to study a script and the history of the story. It was easy to produce and was received well.

Candace Mercer, Alvord HS/MS, Alvord, Texas

My students loved perofrming this play! The circus setting provided them with so much inspiration. Thanks for making Everyman truly accessible to younger audiences.

Roberta Lakavage, Tarkington High School, Cleveland, Texas

This was a fun, yet serious show. The kids had a blast with their circus characters,;and the message of the show was awesome, too. The show really made the audience think, and many people told me how inspired they were. The scripts also came with a plethora of acting games that helped the kids delve deeper into their characters' lives. I loved that!

Joanna Bair, Caris Performing Arts, Shelton, Conn.

Hints, Tips, and Tricks

What made this show fun for my students and I was finding ways to create circus spectacle in a theatre setting. Our audiences greatly enjoyed our performances and it did well at our UIL One Act Play Competition.

Lindy Englander, Griffin Middle School, Frisco, Texas

Production Map

Location City State Opens Closes
Martin's Mill ISD Ben Wheeler TX 03/05/2025 05/31/2025