By Suzan Zeder.
Product Code: MK4000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 4 to 5m., 4w., with doubling.
Awards: The Charlotte B. Chorpenning Playwright Award | AATE Distinguished Play Award | ASSITEJ: Outstanding International Play for Young Audiences
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Mother Hicks is an evocative story, richly realized through all of the resources of theatre including poetry, character and story. The setting includes various locations in and around Ware, Illinois, in the late spring of 1935 during the Great Depression. This play is about three outsiders—a foundling girl known only as Girl; a deaf boy, eloquent in the language of his silence; and an eccentric recluse, Mother Hicks, who is suspected of being a witch. The tale, told with poetry and sign language, chronicles the journeys of these three to find themselves, and each other, in a troubled time.
This title may be cut for time only if Act One and/ or Act Two are done in their entirety. No other cuttings are allowed.
Michael Eudy, The Stage Company, Carbondale, Ill.