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Get Smart

Get Smart

By Christopher Sergel. Based on the series created by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry.

Product Code: G14000

Full-length Play


Cast size: 10m., 17w.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

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This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $110.00/perf


"Would you believe that seven police boats are closing in on us right now?" asks Maxwell Smart of the head of KAOS who now holds him captive. When the master criminal finds this a little hard to accept, the straight-faced Smart asks, "Would you believe six?" With that question, this bright comedy-satire put an expression into the language. Smart is off on a bizarre new case in which he must stop the sinister organization known as KAOS from their most shameful plot. Their plan this time is to prove their power by blowing up the Statue of Liberty! This is too much, and Smart springs—perhaps we should say stumbles—into action. Magnificently assisted by beautiful Agent 99, Smart proceeds from one gigantic blunder to another—each, however, somehow turning into a master stroke. In our opinion, this is the ultimate spoof of all secret agent thrillers. It's filled with easy-to-stage visual surprises that make the show exciting and enjoyable for your cast and a delight for your audience. Directors and producers write to say how well this comedy plays.


Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

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  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Full-length Play
  • Product Code G14000
  • Minimum Cast Size 27
  • Pages of Dialogue 78
  • Min. Royalty Rate $110.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 100 min
  • Staging Area staging.


  • Target Audience Middle School | High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages)
  • Performing Group Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre
  • Genre Comedy
  • ISBN(13) 9780871292605

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

The play was a huge successÑthe audience was in stitches throughout the production. Finally, the multiple locations were simple to stage with some creativity.

Richard Gage, Struthers High School, Struthers, Ohio

Quick-moving action with a sense of humor that really applealed to high schoolers. A huge hit with our audience! Easy to stage and fun to go all out on the costumes.

April Wright, Patrick Henry College Teen Leadership Camp, Purcellville, Va.

It's a fun-packed show that the actors and audience thoroughly enjoyed. It was relatively easy to produce and was not expensive.

Elizabeth Hoffmaster, Cochrane-Fountain City School District, Fountain City, Wis.

Get Smart was one of the most fun shows we have ever produced!Ñfor the cast and crew as well as for the audience. It was great to see our faculty and parents especially relate to the whole project, from the casting through the run of the show.

Jeanne Parrott, Noble High School, Noble, Okla.

Get Smart is a hilarious comedy that was very appropriate for our community theater. It's easy to produce and has a great variety of slapstick comedy to blunt comedy to the subtle and serious commentary. Great variety of character types to fit just about any actors that come into auditions.

Jeff Driscoll, Arc Light Productions, Mapleton, Ill.

Get Smart is a very funny show, easily staged and ideal for a mixed cast. Novice and experienced actors had a chance to grow as performers. The students enjoyed learning about the original show and putting their own spin on the classic gags and characters.

John Cosper, Christian Academy of Indiana, New Albany, Ind.

AWESOME show for teen-agers!!! Lots of zany characters and physical comedyÑentertaining for the cast and audiences alike!! This was a real crowd pleaser and very simple to produce!!

Carol-Ann Black, Showbiz Starz, Allen Park, Mich.

We had a blast with this play! The quirkier you can make the characters, the better. It's really quite simple to stage, and the script is great with very detailed stage directions. This is a great adaptation, based on the first two episodes of the 60's TV series that remains true to the basic comedy of that show.

Jeannie Henry, Reed-Custer High School, Morris, Ill.

This show was so much fun to do! It's all brand new to today's high school kids and a great revisit to those of us who were fans of the TV show. My 'stage' is really a lecture hall but the sets required are minimal and give plenty of opportunities for creative, portable design. Our audiences raved.

Jan R. Laurie-Russell, Foothill High School, Santa Ana, Calif.

This classic comedy delighted our audiences - both young and old - and was a fun play for our middle school performers! They captured the essence of the original characters and gave two brilliant performances of this wonderfully written play. Many in the audience said it was their best play yet!

Laura Snider, Nittany Christian School, State College, Pa.

It was a blast! Extremely well received and entertaining! The audience laughed and laughed. It sounded like a laugh track on a sitcom.

Jonathan Dyck, Landmark Collegiate High School, Landmark, Manitoba, Canada

Once the kids realized it's like Austin Powers meets Inspector Gadget they really got into all the silly, corny jokes. It's timeless.

Lisa Greenwood, West Junior High School, Lawrence Kansas.

It went very well. The dialogue was crisp and funny. The acting was excellent. What a great show!

Michael Altmann, Edison Intermediate School, Westfield, N.J.

In twenty years of doing shows, I don't know when we've had more fun. Actors loved it; students and parents thought it was hilarious. Thanks!

Kathleen Ryan, Northridge High School, Layton, Utah

Silly fun for audience members 5 to 95. Includes all the gags and fun from the original television series.

Laura LaChappelle, Bradshaw Mountain High School, Humboldt, Ariz.

A delightful comedy that incorporates all the characters, cliches and gadgets that we loved from the television series.

Lucas Matney, Dream Chasers, North Wilkesboro, N.C.

My students did not grow up with Maxwell Smart, but through the magic of Nick at Nite, they were able to revisit Control headquarters. Actors and audience alike loved the shoe phone and trash can scenes. Get Smart was a big hit.

Pam Lyng, Hannibal Middle School, Hannibal, Mo.

This production was an excellent play for a dinner theatre. The audience responded very well, enjoying every scene. This play is very appropriate for a high school performance. Its fast pace, full comedy and easy set make it a fun, low stressful event. The cast of high school seniors loved performing this play.

Kay Roseberry, West Side School, Greers Ferry, Ark.

Hints, Tips, and Tricks

Doubling is possible - but be aware that you may have to change your role pretty fast. The play has five locations which change several times. So you need to have a good idea how to realize those locations (we tried to focus on just a few objects per location - with the exception of the Chief's office). If you like this kind of play (many roles, several locations): it's very funny and definitely rewarding!

Christian Ross, Theaterteam Helena, Bayern, Germany

We tried to stay true to the time period which was fun for our actors and a great trip down memory lane for the older audience members who grew up watching Get Smart!

Laura Snider, Nittany Christian School, State College, Pa.

Requires minimal sets!

Lisa Greenwood, West Junior High School, Lawrence Kansas.

Research the show. It clarified a lot of characteristics of 86 and 99. Get the Get Smart CD. Vocally it helped the actor playing 86.

Chris Stockgan, Medicine Hat High School, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

Take it over the top; play it large.

Richard Gage, Struthers High School, Struthers, Ohio

We came up with a great way for the "globes of steel" to disappear. We installed a rubber garbage disposal opening into the top of the table we built, painted styrofoam balls gray, ran fishing line through them. Then, Agent 44 (who's under the table) simply pulls the string and the balls come through the opening when "lasered."

Jeannie Henry, Reed-Custer High School, Morris, Ill.

We added a cardboard telephone booth for 86 to use in the first scene. For the disintegration of the steel balls, we used silver/gray balloons tied with string in a box on a table. We poked a hole in the table so that 44 could pull the string.

Riki Zide, All Saints' Episcopal School, Fort Worth, Texas

Production Map

Location City State Opens Closes
Dover-eyota High School Eyota MN 04/05/2025 04/06/2025
Cubberly School Long Beach CA 04/25/2025 04/26/2025
View Acres Baptist Church Tulsa OK 05/01/2025 05/03/2025
Rosenort School Rosenort 05/14/2025 05/15/2025
Holland Community Theatre Holland MI 08/06/2026 08/15/2026


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