By Tim Kelly.
Product Code: DE8000
Full-length Play
Comedy | Farce
Cast size: 7m., 12w., extras.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
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In this wild mystery-farce in two acts by Tim Kelly, laughter and wild chills follow students from bankrupt Kidd Academy to their spring vacation in the gloomy old mansion on Blood Pudding Lane ... a house that is haunted by a werewolf's curse. The wealthy recluse plans to give her estate to Kidd Academy if she's favorably impressed by the young people. Maureen, the academy's prize student, has written a book debunking the legend of Dracula. Unfortunately for her—and everyone else—Dracula appears and demands a retraction. Maureen sticks by her garlic, so it's up to the furious vampire to prove that he really does exist. And when Dracula is furious—watch out! This is a simple-to-produce and rehearse comedy-thriller with fun roles—everything from amateur detectives to Dracula's wife and a mad ghost buster—the kind of roles that allow actors to display their talents and develop their skills.