By Stephen Gregg.
Product Code: TW9000
One-act Play
Cast size: 13 to 15 either gender.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
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This Is a Test is a natural fit for virtual production. It requires very little blocking; the students remain at their desks for most of the play. The chorus members can appear and disappear. If you have control of where the boxes appear, they can float above Alan's head. And, if you can manage it, try to tackle the illusion of passing objects from box to box. This version also includes updated cultural references. As the ticking clock reminds you, only 60 minutes remain to complete this oh-so-important predictor of your future. But you didn't get the review sheets, the teacher doesn't like you, and your classmates are blatantly cheating. Time passes and the voices in your head remind you that though you are having trouble with the test, your personal life is far, far worse. Then you reach the essay question. The good news—it's an opinion essay. The bad news—it's in Chinese. And things aren't going to get better!