By William Glennon.
Product Code: M76000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 9m., 4w.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
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This is a very different fox from our old friend Reynard. Fox is still clever and sly, but he is likable in his efforts to gain a real friend. He befriends Justi, a simple, kindly woodsman. He persuades the king that his master, Justi, is wealthy and is searching for a princess to marry. These lies, of course, bring trouble from his master, who makes Fox take an old anti-lie medicine which he calls fib-fizz. Whenever he lies a bell rings, and he is caught. Justi does meet the king's daughter, who is badly spoiled. However, he becomes involved in her rescue when she is kidnaped and then really becomes a hero.