Adapted by Philip Grecian from the novel by Mary Wollstencraft Shelley.
Product Code: F94000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 6m., 4w. (with doubling. May be expanded.)
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
Remember the good old days of radio—when people had to use their imaginations—when the mind was a stage? Those days are back—only better! You can SEE as well as HEAR radio programs. Captain Robert Walton and his crew are aboard a ship heading for the North Pole when it becomes frozen in the ice. Waiting for the ice to break up, they see a giant of a man on a dogsled heading north. Later that day another man, near death, is brought close to the ship on an ice floe. Aboard the ship, he regains consciousness and begins to tell Walton his story. Upon graduating from the university, and with the help of his friend Henry Clerval, Victor Frankenstein set out to create life-using corpses stolen from graveyards. During a raging storm, he is successful but, too late, realizes he has created a misshapen, inarticulate horror. One fateful night, the house burns to the ground. Victor, believing The Creature dead, sets a date to wed Elizabeth, his fiancée. The Creature, however, has escaped and befriended DeLacy, a blind hermit, who, over the months, teaches it to speak and read. One evening two hunters stop by the cabin. Shocked and repelled by The Creature's appearance, and believing it to be a threat to DeLacy, they drive it away into the forest. Justine Moritz, governess to Victor's young sister Catherine, has taken the girl on a picnic. At the edge of the forest Catherine encounters The Creature, who demands that she deliver a message to Frankenstein. "Tell him! Tell him I did not die in the fire! Tell him-it begins now!" It disappears into the thick forest just as Justine discovers Catherine's body. No one believes Justine's stories of a monster, though Victor now knows that his creation escaped the fire. Justine is tried, convicted and hanged for the murder of Catherine Frankenstein. Two weeks later the creature seeks him out and promises to disappear forever if Victor will make it a mate. Victor builds a second creature but, before he can give it life, realizes what he is about to do and destroys it. The Creature murders Elizabeth in retaliation, prompting Victor and Clerval to pursue it to the North Pole, where The Creature murders Clerval during a snowstorm, leaving Victor alone and in despair. The story ends with Victor's death and The Creature's mournful self-exile on an ice floe as the ice field breaks up and Walton's ship continues on.
One Simple Set—A radio station—made up mostly of drapes, a control booth (if desired), mikes, and sound effects equipment.
Less Wardrobe—no changes of wardrobe are necessary.
Less Staging—actors simply stand at mikes most of the time.
Less Rehearsal—actors don't memorize lines—they just read them.
Fewer Cast Members—one actor plays many parts.
No Props—only scripts.
We loved the way the show was written out and found the cues for sound effects to be especially helpful. This was our first time performing an audio drama and it was so nice to be able to get back into theater in our small community. We were able to practice via zoom in order to keep up with social distancing standards which also made the process very smooth. When we had to contact Dramatic Publishing about a streaming rider they got back to us right away and were very helpful.
Frank Squillo, Riverbend Players, Nehalem, Ore.