Philip Grecian makes his full-time living as a playwright. His authorized stage adaptation of the film A Christmas Story has approximately 100 professional and amateur productions annually. His staged radio adaptation of It’s a Wonderful Life has been broadcast on both radio and television and continues to be produced on stages throughout the United States and Canada. Other works, most of which are published by Dramatic Publishing, include The Great Gatsby, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The Dragon of Nitt and The Lion and the Lyre (both translated and performed in Russia), In His Steps, Little Pills, Toby Saves the Farm and a translation of Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Grecian has also worked as a writer/director for film, video and audio production, earning more than 150 local, regional and national awards, and his televised live radio adaptation of Dracula won an Emmy in 2010. Additionally, he has written many staged and televised radio scripts, including Twisted Tales of Poe, Trilogy of Terror, A Christmas Carol, The Hound of the Baskervilles (Emmy nomination), The Blood Countess, Frankenstein (Emmy nomination), Call of the Mummy (Emmy nomination), Ghosts of the Elysian Arms (Emmy nomination) and Midnight Tales in Shadow Wood (Emmy nomination). His work has been produced at the Cleveland Play House, Arts Club Theatre Company, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Orlando Repertory Theatre, San Jose Repertory Theatre, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Portland Center Stage, Creede Repertory Theatre and Syracuse Stage, among others.