By Kent R. Brown.
Product Code: V26000
Full-length Play
Comedy | Drama
Cast size: 6m., 9w. (3m., 4w. with doubling.)
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
This highly theatrical play offers 15 major roles for actors who also portray a wide array of secondary characters. Comprised of interwoven tales of love and courage, The View From Sunset Towers is a compelling journey through the memories and dreams of a fascinating ensemble: Clarence, who challenges Elvis Presley to one-arm push-up contests on the catwalks high above the sound stages of MGM; Sister Darlene, who as a child hides in the shadows late at night and peers into the souls of her neighbors; Doris and Sparky, who summon the courage to travel around the world instead of waiting submissively for their lives to end; Carolyn, the biker mom who completes high school so her college-graduate daughter will be proud of her; Arthur, who puts his faith in golf instead of God; Helen, the drive-through bank teller who falls into obsessive love with one of her customers; and many other tales. This delightful vehicle offers showcase roles for everyone in your company.
Comprised of short scenes/monologues, the structure allows the director to call actors only when needed to rehearse their scenes. There are some ensemble scenes and we scheduled rehearsals focusing on just those scenes and added them in at the end.
Cathy Lakin, Shoestring Players, Winnipeg, Manitoba