By Jean and Walter Kerr. From the novel by Franz Werfel.
Product Code: S45000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 7m., 11w. (extras.)
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Among her schoolmates, Bernadette Soubirous' habit of daydreaming makes her seem stupid. Strict Sister Vauzous, who teaches the girls, finds her a trial. But when Bernadette goes out to gather wood, a beautiful vision appears to her. The report of the vision comes as the last straw to her parents, who believe Bernadette is lying and punish her. Soon the mayor and the chief of police, for the "dignity" of their town, attempt to compel Bernadette to deny her visions. However, she remains true to her visions and enters a sisterhood. There she finds herself under the strict discipline of Sister Vauzous, who has always distrusted her sincerity. In a magnificent finale, even Sister Vauzous accepts the divinity of Bernadette's vision.
We did this on a bare stage with only set pieces and lights to define the scenes. Our rock was great. We used a chair as our base with chicken wire and muslin.
El. J. Arntson, St. Mary's Central High School, Bismarck, ND