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The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood

The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood

By Mary Lynn Dobson.

Product Code: SE7000

Full-length Play


Cast size: 8m., 6w. (cast may be reduced to 10 or expanded to 25 or more.)

Limited Streaming Rights Available

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This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

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Min. Royalty Rate: $110.00/perf


It sure is hard to be humble when you're a swashbuckling, egocentric super-hero. But our gallant guy-in-green tries his best as he swaggers through The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood, a frantically funny, Monty Pythonesque retelling of the classic. This time around, the legendary legend, in his never-ending quest to aid the needy, encounters a lovely damsel-in-distress (oddly obsessed with skin conditions); an ever-scheming sheriff who would rather bowl a strike than hit a bull's-eye; a gold-hoarding, bad-guy monarch wannabe; and a good-natured "Town's Guy" who manages to make his way into every scene, whether he belongs there or not. Combine them with an expandable band of spoon-wielding Merry Men whose collective IQs equal six, and you've got an irreverent jaunt through Sherwood Forest you won't soon forget!


Limited Streaming Rights Available

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  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Full-length Play
  • Product Code SE7000
  • Minimum Cast Size 10
  • Pages of Dialogue 66
  • Min. Royalty Rate $110.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 80 min
  • Staging Flexible staging.


  • Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | Family (all ages)
  • Performing Group Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre | TYA | Touring Group
  • Genre Comedy
  • ISBN(13) 9781583420133

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

An absolutely rollicking play! Hands down, one of the best our school has ever produced. Our cast of eighth graders flew with it and gave a stellar performance. Mary Lynn Dobson has a dramatist's voice and an impeccable sense of timing. I hope she writes more for this age group.

Judy Bellamy, Loudonville Christian School, Loudonville, N.Y.

The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood is a wonderfully funny, well written spoof on the traditional tale. Bumbling merry men complete with wooden spoons for swords, a skin-condition-obsessed Lady Marian and an egotistical Robin make for a great script.

Mary Jane Smith, Hamden Hall Country Day School, Hamden, Conn.

Robin Hood is perfect for middle schoolers. It gives so many kids a chance to be part of a production without too much pressure. At the same time it presents a challenge for the leads. Jokes that stand on their own help immensely.

Kevin Appleby, Bunker Hill Middle School, Sewell, NJ

This is a very clever play good for many ages. For instance, opening night I sat between a 5 year old and a 20 something -- both enjoyed it immensely. My wife (40), not often charmed by children's plays, had a great time as well.

Bruce Tinker, Grand Rapids Civic Theatre, Grand Rapids, MI

Excellent! It is funny and witty. My 7th and 8th graders enjoyed working on it and seeing it. I hope to be able to direct this one again. I would love to act in it. We added physical, visual humor to the great dialogue.

Doug Dixon, Carman-Ainsworth Junior High, Flint, MI

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Monty Python met up with Mel Brooks to tell their version of Robin Hood? Well...um...poor Sherwood Forest would never be the same again.

Flint Youth Theatre, Flint, Michigan

This show was very fun to produce. One audience member was heard to say that it was very reminiscent of Monty Python!!

Laura Anderle-Smith, Nathan Hale High School, Milwaukee, Wis.

Our audiences loved this take on the classic tale! It was our top selling fall show ever, with crowds loving the hilarious lines, physical humor and funny characters! It was our second time doing this show and our biggest fall success!

Lynn Brant, Zillah High School Drama, Zillah, Wash.

Hilarious. Rave reviews.

Richard Klassen, Candlewick Players, LaRiviere, Manitoba, Canada

The actors and audiences loved this play! It was a delight to direct and perform. There was something for audience members of all ages.

Jennifer Couling, Concord High School, Concord, Mich.

A terrific script with lots of funny characters for young actors to perform along with jokes and bits an adult audience will enjoy.

Greg Krumins, Great Plains Theatre, Abilene, Kan.

Brilliant, funny show! Our teens loved the writing & making the old characters come to life (especially during a pandemic).

Lori Hammer, S.K.I.T. Theatre, Keizer, Ore.

One of the funniest plays I have ever read or directed. It is appropriate for all ages and is easy to adapt for different cast sizes. The audiences loved it, too; the laughs began from the start and didn't stop until the play finished.

Jessica Kropp, Mena High School Drama, Mena, Ark.

The more we practiced, the funnier this play became. The very young to the old enjoyed the hilarious adaptation of Robin Hood. From witty dialogue to simple slapstick, Mary Lynn Dobson has created a winner! Easy to stage and be creative.

Sarah Witt, Lindsay Holy Family High School, Lindsay, Neb.

My cast enjoyed the concept of including the technical director and I found it hilarious for them to use spoons instead of swords for the merry men. It was a delightful show and easy to produce. The script was clever and fun.

Wendy Aston, Pleasant Grove Junior High, Pleasant Grove, Utah

I used this play on a recommendation from another drama teacher. I liked the flexible casting ... you can use anywhere from a dozen to 30 kids. We had a great time doing it, and our audience (kids grades 1-8 and teachers) loved it!

Katherine Miller, Paul VI Catholic High School, Fairfax, Va.

Delightful comic script which was a great "Monty Python"-like approach to this classic tale—a wonderful script for middle school actors and audiences.

Lynn Ellingboe, Blake School, Hopkins, Minn.

The students loved this! This show is somewhat of a tradition here at our school. The students like to revive it with the Drama II kids every couple of years. Great fun!

Molly Grasso, Papillion LaVista High School, Papillion, Neb.

This play was easy for our actors to memorize; I wouldn't be afraid to use it with middle school students. I would rate it G for all audiences. It is funny and great fun to produce. We had record attendance for this play!

Mary Brinkman, RRMR Community School, Rockford, Iowa

Funny story, not the typical Robin Hood story. Great for casting teens or adults.

Tony Neri, Somerset Valley Players, Somerville, N.J.

A wild success for our middle school group! Well liked by both cast and audience. Reminded us of a "Mel Brooks" for the younger set. Lots of fun for everyone!

Jeff Steger, Saginaw Arts and Science Academy, Saginaw, Mich.

The play is very funny. It has a Mel Brookish take on Robin Hood. It also gives the director and actors freedom to try different things. It's a lot of fun.

Jeffrey Brown, Chattanooga Theatre Centre, Chattanooga, Tenn.

Hints, Tips, and Tricks

Make the decision early to have a lot of fun with this show, and allow your cast and crew to be silly and ridiculous! If you do, the creativity in their characters, the costumes, lighting, etc. will shine!

Katie D. Okenquist, Blue Springs High School, Blue Springs, Mo.

Allow the kids to have some say in which song will be used to “torture” Robin Hood. Our kids voted on Old Town Road and it was a hit with the audience.

Vincent Edwards, New Baltimore Youth Theatre, New Baltimore, Mich.

Don't be afraid to have fun and think outside the box ... it might pay off. We took our own approach and it was great fun for all!

Jeff Steger, Saginaw Arts and Science Academy, Saginaw, Mich.

There are wonderful websites that offer free sound effects. The bowling sounds really enhanced our production. Also, women playing the Merry Men works great.

Sarah Witt, Lindsay Holy Family High School, Lindsay, Neb.

Propwise, we had the sheriff carry a hobby horse in his initial appearance. For a sceptre, we gave Prince John a fly swatter with a plastic hand on the swatting end. He did a great job of gesturing with it. We also sat him on a larger-than-life throne.

Judy Bellamy, Loudonville Christian School, Loudonville, N.Y.

Production Map

Location City State Opens Closes
Harmony High School Harmony FL 03/07/2025 03/15/2025
Clark Youth Theatre Tulsa OK 03/06/2025 03/16/2025
First Baptist Church Platte City MO 03/25/2025 03/25/2025
Merrill High School Merrill MI 03/28/2025 03/30/2025
Greenfield High School Greenfield MA 04/04/2025 04/05/2025
Trine University Angola IN 04/03/2025 04/05/2025
California Trail Middle School Olathe KS 04/09/2025 04/11/2025
Actors Community Theatre of Seymour Seymour IN 04/05/2025 04/12/2025
Lomira High Lomira WI 04/11/2025 04/13/2025
Betty Fairfax High School Laveen AZ 04/17/2025 04/18/2025
Rockford East High School Rockford IL 04/17/2025 04/19/2025
Etowah High School Woodstock GA 04/25/2025 04/25/2025
Pathway Church Foley AL 04/28/2025 04/29/2025
Lehi Junior High School Lehi UT 04/30/2025 05/01/2025
Tri-County Vocational-Technical High School Franklin MA 05/02/2025 05/03/2025
New Vision Charter School Loveland CO 05/02/2025 05/03/2025
ArtWorks Academy of Performing Arts Norman OK 05/02/2025 05/04/2025
VK Garage Theater Kerrville TX 05/02/2025 05/04/2025
Buffalo Town Hall Polo IL 05/02/2025 05/10/2025
Leavitt Area High School Turner ME 05/09/2025 05/10/2025
Making Light Productions, Inc. Tallahassee FL 05/16/2025 05/18/2025
Master Arts Theatre Grand Rapids MI 07/17/2025 07/19/2025
Artist Connection Theatre Inc Jacksonville FL 08/08/2025 08/24/2025
Star Inc. (Sommerville Theatrical Arts Repertory) Somerville TN TN 10/03/2025 10/19/2025


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