By Bill Majeski.
Product Code: S80000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 16m., 12w.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
This suave, intrepid, deep-thinking sleuth, who also happens to be a direct descendant of the great Sherlock Holmes, goes to Filmville where he hobnobs with the weird and the beautiful. Surrounded by sweet young things who find him irresistible, he tackles a complicated and convoluted series of murders. Baker Street, as you've already guessed, was never like this, but those brilliant genes handed down from the master to his great-grandson keep turning on at unexpected moments! This play has a very fast pace along with many, many brief but marvelous comedy bits. As a result almost everyone in this large cast has a big bit downstage center.