Adapted by Johnny Simons. Based on Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio.
Product Code: PJ2000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 8+ actors, flexible.
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This Harlequinade version of Pinocchio is one of his theatre's most successful productions. Simons uses the original Italian commedia names, such as Arlecchino, who later became the French Harlequin. The name "Pinocchio" may be spoken with its Italian pronunciation as pee-no-kee-o. In true commedia fashion, this wild and uninhibited play begins with a troupe of strolling players exploding into the theatre with their noisy props and crude scenery. Arlecchino plays a Cricket; Pantalone plays Geppetto; Razullo, a fox; Beltrama, a cat; Pulcinella, the wicked puppet master; Pedrolina, a donkey and a fool; Columbina, a spirit and Pinocchio plays himself. The commedia flavor gives the story vigor and makes it entertainment for adults as well as children without losing the charm and significant message of Collodi's famous story.
Dee Mulford, Schenectady Theatre for Children, Scotia, N.Y.