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Adaptation, book and lyrics by Arnold Wengrow. Music by Nicky Rea and Jackie Cassada. Based on the story by Carlo Collodi.

Product Code: PF1000


Cast size: 4m., 1w., 5 either gender with doubling, or up to 20+ (8m., 2w., 10 either gender) plus optional extras.

Rights and availability

This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $85.00/perf


A musical version of the famous Carlo Collodi tale in a highly theatrical mixture of musical comedy, storytelling, commedia, dance, mime and puppetry. A lively troupe of actors create all the colorful characters of the story of a willful little wooden marionette who runs away from the carpenter Gepetto to encounter a host of fantastic adventures. On his journey, Pinocchio joins a traveling marionette show, gets tricked by a singing-and-dancing fox and cat, meets the magical Blue Fairy, and makes a thrilling escape from the Land of Ease, where lazy boys turn into donkeys. When Pinocchio rescues Gepetto from a sea monster, he discovers that he has gotten his dearest wish and turns into a real boy.


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Musical
  • Product Code PF1000
  • Minimum Cast Size 10
  • Pages of Dialogue 56
  • Min. Royalty Rate $85.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 90 min
  • Staging Fluid staging with minimal set, props and costumes, although more elaborate settings and costumes can be used to increase spectacle. Suitable for touring.


  • ISBN(13) 9780876022986

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Media Reviews

"Wildly entertaining. … There were many signs of Commedia in this show, some strong company numbers, and a buoyancy that kept this cast ticking throughout the show." -CVNC