Book by Bette Glenn. Music and lyrics by Matt Corriel.
Product Code: MH2000
Cast size: extremely flexible. 24 to approximately 100 actors possible with roles for up to 10m., 50w., and 40 either gender.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
Middle School Madness opens with an exuberant student bursting onto the stage, laptop in hand, waving a letter and proudly announcing that he/she has won the "Virtual Reality Tour of Your School" contest on METUBE. The student offers to share the "tour" with the audience, sits on the edge of the stage and opens the laptop. From there on, you choose à la carte from the 14 songs, four monologues and 17 scenes to create the show you want, depending on the number of boys and girls you have, the ages of your cast and the subjects you choose to explore. Lights come up on the opening number revealing the excitement and anxiety of the first day of a new year in middle school followed by scenes, songs and monologues celebrating the middle school experience—trying to be friends with two warring groups, the joys of running winter track, bullies, jealousies, friendships, crushes, zany lunch ladies, the assistant principal with eyes in the back of his head and the fantasy of "Rumor Police!" The tour guide character provides the through line, moving the show along from that first exciting entrance to the class photo pose, which ends the show. The possibilities, as well as the fun, are endless, and everyone has a moment to shine! Approximate running time: 35 minutes to 2 hours, depending on your selection of material.
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