By Andrew J. Fenady and Duke Fenady. Based on the novel by Jack London.
Product Code: J45000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 8m., 3w. or 4m., 3w., 4 either gender.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
A ferry steamer sinks in fog-sealed San Francisco Bay. All passengers perish except Humphrey Van Weyden, self-defined dilettante/critic, and the beautiful, independent, enigmatic Flaxen Brewster. They are rescued, though that's hardly the word, by a hell-ship under the command of Wolf Larsen, a man of ingrained cruelty and inordinate strength, yet a keen mind and indomitable will—and a crew composed mostly of dregs of the San Francisco docks. Fastidious, cultured, but soon hardened, "Hump" becomes the target of Larsen's brutality but also the source of intellectual challenge and even companionship to the captain, whose creed is "Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven." And at the storm center of the conflict between Larsen, Van Weyden and the savage, mutinous crew is lovely Flaxen Brewster, in one of the most dramatic and thrilling love stories ever written of the sea.
One Simple Set—A radio station—made up mostly of drapes, a control booth (if desired), mikes, and sound effects equipment.
Less Wardrobe—no changes of wardrobe are necessary.
Less Staging—actors simply stand at mikes most of the time.
Less Rehearsal—actors don't memorize lines—they just read them.
Fewer Cast Members—one actor plays many parts.
No Props—only scripts.