By Richard Dresser.
Product Code: G63000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 3m., 2w.
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Remember your first marriage? It's back. Gun-Shy is a no-holds-barred comedy about marriage, divorce, infidelity, infertility, incompatibility, eternal love, household accidents, and diets no one should try. New York Magazine calls Gun-Shy "a Private Lives for our time." Evie and Duncan have divorced after 15 years. Evie is having a wild, tumultuous affair with an aggressively insecure coffee salesman named Carter. Duncan finds himself with Caitlin, a young, extremely, weight-conscious gun-control lobbyist. "The foursome, all beyond therapy, eventually become snowbound in a New England cabin where they attempt to unravel the maze of their mismatched couplings. Acerbic barbs accumulate with the density of the ongoing blizzard" (Variety). When the dust clears, Evie and Duncan's divorce is in shambles and true love endures. Variety wrote: "Gun-Shy, Dresser's edgy comedy about a divorced couple whose separation proves as unsuccessful as their marriage, features the playwright's wonderfully barbed dialogue and characters whose quirks never stay into cartoon-land… Dresser's one-liners hit the comic mark." Gun-Shy premiered at the Actors Theatre of Louisville and ran at Playwrights Horizons in New York.
Bunny Safron, Actors Comedy Lab, Raleigh, NC