By Richard Dresser.
Product Code: AC5000
Full-length Play
Comedy | Drama
Cast size: 1m., 2w.
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Middle-aged Molly has parlayed many years of experience at a national cleaning company to become team leader, which provides her with just enough money to keep her head above water. Claire, young, pretty and hopeful, is the newest—and only—member of Molly's team. Despite their differences, they become friends as they clean houses for summer people on the coast of Maine. Their world is rocked by the appearance of Jimmy, a new, by-the-books boss who is trapped in middle management and a desolate marriage. Recent college graduate Claire is sobered by the prospect of ending up like Molly and dreams of moving up to management—there must be a better life out there for her if she could only find it. The desperately lonely Jimmy encourages Claire in her ambitions and becomes her mentor, but he'd like to be so much more. As the relationship between Claire and Jimmy deepens, Molly's position as team leader is threatened, and without that, she doesn't know how she can keep going. The delicate balance between these three is suddenly shattered, resulting in a twisting, turning and surprising struggle for survival. After betrayals, power grabs and thorny moral dilemmas, Molly and Claire discover that their only hope for a better life lies in their friendship.