By Sylvia Ashby.
Product Code: DE1000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 10 to 20+ actors, either gender, flexible.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
As she did with her much-acclaimed, Sylvia Ashby dipped into folklore for this one--Mexican and Native American Tales. The incorrigible coyote just can't resist playing pranks on his friends. His tricks nearly always backfire, and he takes a "crash landing" ... but he never learns that you don't make friends that way. Premiered by the Lubbock, Texas, Children's Theatre. The Spanish words in the dialog may be minimized or emphasized. This amusing play has ample opportunities for Mexican folk songs. "La Cucaracha," "La Golondrina," "Mexican Hat Dance," and others add to the fun and spectacle. A vocal and guitar score for originalmusic, "Don Coyote's Song," is included in the playbook. Adding dancing and singing to the fast-moving plot produces an enchanting musical. Full production notes included. Most roles may be played by males or females, adults or children. A wonderful opportunity to put an entire classroom or a mixture of classes on stage.