By Douglas Post.
Product Code: B83000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 3m., 2w.
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"Ostensibly a comedy of manners on contemporary relationships, Belongings and Longings is really a reverberating, interconnected mind game... Richard, who is seeing a woman named Diane, plays host at her apartment to Lou, Diane 's former boyfriend. Lou and his friend, Pete, have arrived to collect Lou's things. For a while, Post mines the inherently embarrassing humor of the setup.. . But when Lou and Pete begin to walk out with pictures, stereo and furniture, Richard suddenly realizes that he may have inadvertently let a couple of burglars into the apartment. In the second scene, two archetypes of modem women-Diane who has chosen marriage and children and Jill who has chosen something else-meet and exchange views. The trick is that the husband of the first could well be having an affair with the second... Jill breaks up with Pete, and that leads possibly to murder, but assuredly to a complete circle. Post writes with a shrewd ear for modem banter, a tantalizing affinity for Pinteresque mystery and a sublime dramatic architecture." (Chicago Tribune) "[Post's] willingness and his ability to explore the darker corners of that much traveled-but rarely illuminated-territory of romantic love and intimacy make these vignettes an intense and moving experience." (Chicago Sun-Times).