Mark Twain called theatre for young audiences (TYA) "one of the great inventions of the 20th century." Moving into the 21st century, the field continues to grow in importance—as an educational force, certainly, but also as an art form, and maybe even as a political weapon for change in our complex society. Moses Goldberg has been a witness and an important leader of much of that development. In this collection of essays, he reveals his personal insights and passions, drawing on his years of experience in the changing field—especially his 25 years as producing director of Louisville's Stage One. The essays divide into three sections, examining the politics, the art and the business of TYA. Sample titles include such provocative concepts as: The Actor/Priest, The 60-Minute Myth and The Stage by Stages. Altogether they represent a heady compilation of wisdom from one of the field's most respected leaders.
This book is for practitioners of the field and also parents, educators and political leaders who want to understand the link between a child's experience of profound arts—a frequent occurrence. It is an insight into the real world of politics, funding and school bus schedules. Soft cover. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2—208 pages.