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Theatre Arts in the Elementary Classroom: Grade Four through Grade Six

Theatre Arts in the Elementary Classroom: Grade Four through Grade Six

By Barbara T. Salisbury Wills. Foreword by Coleman A. Jennings. Introduction by Geraldine Brain Siks.

Product Code: TP2000


In Stock


A comprehensive resource for teachers and a national best seller, this book is designed for teachers of upper-elementary grades with little or no experience using informal drama in the classroom. It is based on the premise that drama is one of the fine arts and is essential to basic education. It illuminates, simplifies and clarifies the "whats, whys and hows" of drama in the classroom. Widely tested, evaluated and applauded nationally, this second edition is the beneficiary of research and observation, and has extensively enlarged the activities and literature. Non-European literature has been expanded, with materials from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Native American and African-American. Teacher-friendly and stimulating, this book is indispensable to both beginning and advanced practitioners for its assessment aids and exciting idea-starters. Appendixes are available in the book provide additional sources of information. Hardcover. 8 1/2 x 10—392 pages.


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Book
  • Product Code TP2000


  • ISBN(13) 9780876020340

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