Adapted by I. E. Clark. From the one-act satire by Alice Gerstenberg.
Product Code: PJ6000
One-act Play
Comedy | Melodrama | Satire
Cast size: 6m., 3w., or 4m., 4w.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
The Pot Boiler is a classic of the American stage. It shows Mr. Sud demonstrating how a truly great playwright (himself) constructs a play. For blocking, he uses desktop items such as Mrs. Pencil, Mr. Ruler, Mr. and Miss Ivory (letter openers, of course) and Mr. Inkwell. As he piles cliché upon cliché and the melodramatic plot unfolds, it becomes obvious that this brilliant satire might be describing one or more prominent playwrights of today.