By Eleanor and Ray Harder.
Product Code: N63000
Cast size: 5m., 2w., with option to add extras for guards, etc.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
A snappy, action-filled fairy tale with unexpected characters, the Harders' comic mastery shines in this quick-paced musical. Despite his extreme near-sightedness, an unemployed knight charges everything in his path, hoping to become a hero so he can get a job. He tries to convince a career-minded princess she needs rescuing. But she's busy working on a mathematical formula to rescue her father, the king, imprisoned by a power-hungry duchess. The knight charges forward, uninvited, to rescue the king, then he becomes sidetracked by an opportunity to fight a dragon. The non-violent dragon and the exasperated princess subdue the knight with chocolate milk. Then the trio follow the princess' plan to rescue the king. The knight gets them all captured, but escape comes to those who learn to see from each other's point of view.