Book, music and lyrics by Alfred Balkin.
Product Code: MN9000
Cast size: 3m., 3w., chorus of your choice. May be performed by 45+ singers, dancers, actors and instrumentalists.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
The musicians from the Brothers Grimm story are four animals—a donkey, dog, cat and rooster—all aging animals who, according to their masters, are useless, worthless and expendable. The animals decide to leave their homes and band together to begin new lives as musicians. They set out for Bremen, a magical, musical land where you can live with hope, compassion, love and inspiration. They have no idea how to get there, and as they follow some nonsensical directions they've received, they come upon a house in the woods filled with food, drink and money. But the house is also filled with a band of lethal-looking robbers who have a secret identity. The animals decide to sing to them, hoping to get food in return. What occurs next is a great surprise to all. The robbers are frightened away, and the animals happily live the rest of their lives making music in the house in the woods. This musical celebration of ideas, feelings and values, in which Bremen represents any place where people can accomplish what they genuinely desire, is heightened by energetic audience involvement and may be performed by touring groups as well as large casts.