By Anton Chekhov. Brought "west" by Larry Randolph.
Product Code: C36000
One-act Play
Comedy | Farce
Cast size: 1m., 2w.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
The Boor has been humorously updated and given a setting in the American west. Helen Pearson, with her servant woman Mrs. Hadley, has shut herself away from the world since the death of her wandering husband. Into the "house of mourning" comes the loud ranch owner Sam Smalley, demanding payment on a past-due bill. Helen orders him out of the house but he won't budge. Before they can settle the matter with an old-fashioned shootout, Helen discovers it's nice to have a man around the house again.
The costuming and set design are especially important to conveying the overall storyline of this Victorian piece. We borrowed furniture from a local museum to achieve an old time look.
Bette Poppen, De Smet High School, De Smet, S.D.