By Helen Edmundson.
Product Code: C20000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 7m., 3w. (Doubling of m. possible.)
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"All praise to Helen Edmundson, whose The Clearing deals with a 17th-century forerunner of 'ethnic cleansing,' that period in Ireland when Cromwell planted the seeds of the troubles that still afflict the country today… The play centers on the dilemma of Robert Preston, an English landowner's son, who has married an Irish woman, had a son and is beginning to develop his small estate. Though passionately in love with his wife, he decides he loves his home more, refusing to support his wife when she goes in search of their servant girl who has been snatched for transportation, endeavoring to strike a deal with the cold and heartless governor and giving his wife no option except to leave him and live rough so that the child dies. It is a story of romance, passion and treachery." (The Stage, London)
Mona Wood-Patterson, Durango High School, Durango, Colo.