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So You Want to be a Professional Actor

So You Want to be a Professional Actor

By Haller T. Laughlin, Ph.D.

Product Code: S48000


In Stock


Based on compiled experiences of drama students, Laughlin's book offers practical and encouraging suggestions for the young actor. The book unfolds in a series of letters between Tom (and his friend Penny) and the professor. Through the clever use of the question and answer format, Laughlin guides readers through the rigors of auditioning, preparing a role, relaxation exercises and discipline—the four ingredients of an actor's life essential to success—and he does it well. So well, in fact, that the end of the book finds Tom a competent and professional actor, enjoying a hectic yet satisfying career. 5 1/2x8 1/2—112 pages.


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Book
  • Product Code S48000

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