Selected and edited by Aurand Harris.
Product Code: SW4000
Please note: The titles in this collection cannot be licensed directly from the collection book. If you wish to perform one of the titles in this collection, you will need to purchase separate scripts for that title.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
Aurand Harris, well-known playwright, director and teacher, uses his theatre knowledge and dramatic craftsmanship in editing theatre classics. Here is a collection of 12 classic plays from different countries, reflecting different cultures and written in different styles. This fine anthology is for teachers who want to stimulate interest in classic drama; for producers who do not have the facilities to give full productions; for directors of the high-school one-act play contests who want quality scripts; for actors who need scenes for classes, auditions and performances; for librarians who wish to offer samplings of important literature; and for students who want a quick survey of classics. All the included mini versions have been pre-tested, and several have won contest awards.
This version of A Doctor in Spite of Himself is a two-act sharpened version of a charming French classic, adapted for today's producing groups.
Ideal for high school one-act play contests, classroom studies and mini-productions, all of the highlights of the play are retained in this short adaptation
A one-act version of Shakespeare's classic. The lyrical fantasy of a fairy kingdom, the slapstick farce of Bottom and his fellow weavers, and the wit and splendor of the duke's court all make this short comedy a triple treat of merrymaking.
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This adaptation is a celebrated play that restored "laughing comedy" to the English stage and put Goldsmith in the great tradition of Chaucer and Shakespeare. Kate "stoops" to pretending that she is a country servant and so wins her city lover.
A Toby Show brings back to the stage an American folk character of Toby, a country bumpkin who through naiveté, honesty and homespun humor outwits the city slickers. Toby is a great role for an energetic actor. The play is a colorful segment of American drama. This farce melodrama recreates with traditional situations and stock characters through jokes and stage business.
One of Molière's most appealing comedies, filled with comic tricks of that rascal character Scapin, farcical complications of mistaken identity, and slapstick elements of commedia dell'arte.