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Salvation Road

Salvation Road

By D.W. Gregory.

Product Code: S2Q000

Full-length Play


Cast size: 4 to 6m., 11w., 1 either gender.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

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This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

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* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $90.00/perf


Denise Kozak was always an independent thinker, or so her family thought. A talented musician with a rebellious streak, she cultivated a passionate social conscience, to the irritation of her younger brother Cliff, 17. He was just the opposite—a bit cynical, priding himself on his calm, rational approach to the universe. Cliff’s declared philosophy: “If it doesn’t kill me, I don’t care.” But when Denise leaves for college and falls in with a charismatic church, her family and friends notice a strange shift in her personality and interests. Denise believes The True Disciples has the answer to all that life holds. She neglects her music and abandons her studies to volunteer with the church, all the while talking obsessively about the church and its founder, Reverend Douglas. Her parents’ concerns intensify when Denise refuses to come home for the holidays. When her father tries to force the issue, she declares her family a “toxic” influence to her newfound faith—and disappears. Months go by without a word, driving a rift between their parents as Cliff and his younger sister, Jill, struggle to hold it all together. Cliff pretends that he isn’t hurt that Denise cut him out of her life; Jill worries that she is somehow to blame for it. One day, Cliff’s best friend, Duffy, comes to them with the startling news that he found Denise. A chance sighting of her selling flowers at a New Jersey strip mall has convinced him that she’s in trouble and needs their help. Cliff resists at first, but Jill persuades him to start the search, a decision that propels Cliff and Duffy onto a road trip into the heart of a deepening mystery. Why would a smart and talented girl like Denise fall for the hollow promises of a preacher whose private life doesn’t line up with his public message? And where do you draw the line between faith and fanaticism? With the help of a savvy nun and a former member of The True Disciples, cynical, agnostic Cliff finds himself embarking on a spiritual search of his own.


Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Full-length Play
  • Product Code S2Q000
  • Minimum Cast Size 16
  • Pages of Dialogue 76
  • Min. Royalty Rate $90.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 90 min
  • Staging Bare stage with props.


  • Target Audience Middle School | High School | College and Adult
  • Performing Group High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre
  • Genre Drama
  • ISBN(13) 9781619591431

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

This special, very mature play has been on my radar for years. When the right group of middle schoolers finally came along we all jumped at the opportunity to produce it and the result was nothing short of spectacular. They were touched by the writing and the subject matter in ways that far surpassed their young years. I am a huge D. W. Gregory fan and look forward to producing another of her brilliant pieces very soon.

David R. Remschel, Fredericksburg Middle School, Fredericksburg, Texas

Media Reviews

“Salvation Road offers us a thorough, well-drawn depiction of what a cult member might actually look like … and in so doing provides a satisfying and grounded dissection of youth, religiosity, family and the psychology of cults.” —Washington CityPaper

“Salvation Road keeps us engaged … because it poses questions that may well be unanswerable. The play forces us to consider our own thoughts on the bonds of family, the meaning of sacrifice, and the seeming irrationality of faith.” —Washington CityPaper

“The overall effect of Salvation Road is not unlike that of a cultish devotion: simultaneously satisfying and terrifying.” —Washington CityPaper

“It’s got some strong, touching moments, some snappy humor, and a well-informed look at the world of religious cults.” —DC Theatre Scene

“Riveting and provocative.” —DC Theatre Scene

“Thoughtful and funny … Salvation Road is a powerful little play about the opaque nature of understanding and belief.” —DC Metro Theater Arts

“Gregory manages to pack a whole lot of substance into … dialogue that’s both clever and revealing.” —DC Metro Theater Arts

“Gregory draws very bravely from sensitive autobiographical material to create a poignant, thoughtful piece.” —Arts-Louisville.com

Salvation Road follows a neat narrative arc that is never too predictable, and profound themes are balanced by lighthearted moments and funny dialogue.” —Arts-Louisville.com

“The play stirs emotions and engenders thought that will occupy audiences long after the stage is bare.” —Arts-Louisville.com


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Performance Poster pdf Download

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  • You can print the poster in its original format and hand write your information.
  • Your local copy shop should be able to create prints from a file saved to disk. They might even be able to increase the size of the poster for you (although some loss of resolution will occur).

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