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The Mask of Reality: An Approach to Design for Theatre

The Mask of Reality: An Approach to Design for Theatre

By Irene Corey. Foreword by Robert Canzoneri.

Product Code: MK7000


In Stock


The Mask of Reality: An Approach to Design for Theatre is a fresh attack on the designing assignment. It is a plan of action from a world-famous designer who starts with the advantage of an extraordinary talent, but then immerses herself in brick-by-brick labor to achieve her ends. The author embraces her existing, often limiting conditions and uses them to discipline her imagination. This generously illustrated book, written with charm, wit and humanity, is directed to the working theatre artist who seeks to expand his own knowledge, enlarge his own experience, explore his own capabilities, and achieve his own individual style. Illustrated in color. Hardcover. 124 pages.


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Book
  • Product Code MK7000


  • ISBN(13) 9780876020074

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