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TEA FOR THREE: Lady Bird, Pat & Betty

TEA FOR THREE: Lady Bird, Pat & Betty

By Eric H. Weinberger and Elaine Bromka.

Product Code: TU7000

Full-length Play

Comedy | Drama

Cast size: 1 to 3w.

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Rights and availability

This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $90.00/perf


What is it like for a woman when her husband becomes the president of the United States—and she is suddenly thrust into the spotlight? This witty, sly and deeply moving script explores the hopes, fears and loves of Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon and Betty Ford. In three scenes taking place in the family quarters of the White House just prior to the end of living there as the wife of a president, each of the women confides alone to the audience. Secrets are spilled about their early years, their husbands' rise to power, their romances with the men, their unique paths as wives in the White House, and their feelings about imminent retirement. Lady Bird Johnson, while preparing a tea for Pat Nixon, defends her husband's quirks but finally admits to herself, "Politics is his oxygen." Mrs. Nixon, drinking tea alone in her room on the eve of her husband's resignation, works on her mail, picks at her food and guardedly recalls happier times before exploding in anger about Watergate and the political world. Betty Ford is discovered reading a TIME magazine in her bathrobe. Forestalling preparations for tea with Rosalyn Carter, Betty lightheartedly recalls past escapades, but eventually admits to being quite lost about life after the White House. Defiantly pushing back the fear, she sails out the door to meet Mrs. Carter. Each of the three portraits becomes intimate, by degrees, as the women wrestle with what Pat Nixon called "the hardest unpaid job in the world."


Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

On p.14 of the script, please replace the first several sentences of the last paragraph with the following: "And there were places on that tour where they hissed. They booed. They shoved placards in my face: 'Blackbird Go Home' … 'Fly Away, Lady Bird!' … 'Your husband is a Negro lover!' … and they didn’t use the word 'Negro.' (Pause.) But, do you know, looking back on it, I wouldn’t have traded that tour for anything. I got to speak to my fellow Southerners from my heart. Changed some minds, too. Carried three of those states in the election!"


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Full-length Play
  • Product Code TU7000
  • Minimum Cast Size 1
  • Pages of Dialogue 34
  • Min. Royalty Rate $90.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 75 min
  • Staging One int. set.


  • Target Audience High School | College and Adult
  • Performing Group College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre
  • Genre Comedy | Drama
  • ISBN(13) 9781619590014

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

This is a great play to perform. Minimal set works well ... We served tea and cookies before the performance to enhance the feel of a tea party.

Theatrics for Seniors, Conroe, Texas

This is a GREAT show for these uncertain times where larger casts productions are more difficult to produce. You can easily do this with one woman, or in our case with three incredible actresses to allow the show to be a little more seamless.

Ryan Bowie, Roxy Regional Theatre, Clarksville, Tenn.

The audience loved it!! Several people told us it was the best entertainment they’ve ever had at their Tablescapes event. They just went on and on how much they enjoyed it ... We’ve just had the best time this year sharing these stories.

Kathryn Dawkins, Center Players Community Theatre, Madison, Miss.

Our audiences absolutely loved Tea for Three, and the actresses became very attached to their roles! We miss Lady Bird, Pat and Betty already.

Schatzie Schaefers, Cyrano's Theatre, Anchorage, Alaska

Tea for Three was a great evening of entertainment. Elaine Bromka's performance brought to life three of America's most intriguing first ladies. Her ability to transform between Lady Bird, Pat and Betty kept our audience entertained from start to finish. Elaine's professionalism was displayed throughout the entire show. This is the second time I had the pleasure of hosting Tea for Three in the past few years, and it gets better every performance. Our Soldiers and Families at Fort Hamilton New York provided nothing but positive comments. Their only request was when will there be another show with 3 new first ladies. I would recommend Tea for Three to anyone interested in a key period of our country’s history.

Bob Vogt, Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation, Fort Hamilton, N.Y.

Hints, Tips, and Tricks

Even in the most informal of situations, lighting is pivotal. Even in a matinee in a space with windows, you will sharpen the audience’s attention with a simple painter’s light on a stand pointed to the acting area — a very inexpensive solution and one that makes a big difference in a pick up situation.

Elaine Bromka, Tea for Three, LLC, Montclair. N.J.

It was lovely to have the techies doing the scene changes in butler or maid costumes, as if they are working at the White House

Elaine Bromka, Tea for Three, LLC, Montclair. N.J.

Add a talk-back after the show—people like to discuss the history.

Elaine Bromka, Tea for Three, LLC, Montclair. N.J.

This show can be done with bare bones furniture -- no need to build sets we assemble the pieces and work with a crew of 4.

Elaine Bromka, Tea for Three, LLC, Montclair. N.J.

Media Reviews

"A necessary historical corrective for this callow misreading of women's history and human nature." —www.culturalcapitol.com

"A rare chance to see such a touching, funny and intimate portrait of these three fine first ladies." —www.austinonstage.com

“A beautiful script, full of humor and heartbreak. The production paints realistic—and often unthought-of—images of the first ladies.” —austinonstage.com

 “A glimpse of the personalities of the presidents, through the eyes and hearts of the women who knew the private men, before they entered their all-consuming public lives.” —Record-Review

"A first-class portrayal." —www.culturalcapitol.com

"Beguiling … Bromka treats her subjects with profound and subtle compassion." —www.culturalcapitol.com

"Brilliant! Reaches across the aisles and inspires hope." —www.womenarts.org

"Delightful and insightful … don't miss it." —www.curtainup.com

"Good stories … subtle … even silence is steeped in emotion." —The New York Times

"Will stay with you." —The Villager

"Wonderfully embodies the three women … lighthearted … gently humorous." —This Week in New York

Production Map

Location City State Opens Closes
The Auditorium Kanab UT 03/15/2025 03/15/2025