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All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Based on the books by Robert Fulghum. Conceived and adapted by Ernest Zulia. Music and Lyrics by David Caldwell.

Product Code: A78000


Comedy | Drama

Cast size: 3m., 2w. (1 pianist, expandable.)

Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

Rights and availability

This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $110.00/perf


Based on Robert Fulghum's best-selling books, Kindergarten takes a funny, insightful, heartwarming look at what is profound in everyday life. This tightly woven adaptation has earned standing ovations from Singapore to Prague— from L.A. to D.C. It's an evening of theatrical storytelling in revue format, with monologues, dialogues, and multiple voice narration, enhanced through the use of live piano underscoring, which provides fluidity, charm, and emotional texture, and seven optional original songs. The delightful stories feature colorful characters such as: a shy little boy who insists on playing the "pig" in his class production of Cinderella and steals the show; a man whose dream of flying carries him high over Los Angeles … in a lawn chair buoyed by surplus weather balloons; a "mother of the bride" who's staged a perfect wedding—until the bowling ball of fate rolls down the aisle; and a modern-day Greek philosopher who finds the meaning of life in a piece of broken mirror from World War II. These stories celebrate our very existence, from the whimsy of childhood to the wisdom of old age. Kindergarten is a sure hit for almost any performing group.


Livestream and Record & Stream Rights Available

CDs, SFX, Demo CDs and Cast Albums can be purchased from Flat Five Studio.

Logo Pack
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  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Musical
  • Product Code A78000
  • Minimum Cast Size 6
  • Pages of Dialogue 101
  • Min. Royalty Rate $110.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 135 min
  • Staging Unit set (or bare stage).


  • Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages) | Senior Adults | Praise Groups
  • Performing Group Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre | TYA | Senior Theatre | Touring Group | Praise Group
  • Genre Comedy | Drama
  • ISBN(13) 9780871299130

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Customer Reviews

The audience left in tears, thanking us for a meaningful show. So many true-to-life situationsÑhandled beautifully by high-school students.

Jane Bostian, Wapello High School, Wapello, Iowa

We were very happy with this production. It gave us plenty of vignettes and room for 65 characters over two different high school casts. And each bit had a great little lesson.

Kent Bonte, Valley Community Schools, Elgin, IA

A very adaptable piece, with wide appeal. We had 11 cast members -- eight of whom sang. We were very well received by local audiences and we enjoyed our rehearsals and performances.

Kathleen Balducci, Port Angeles Community Players, Port Angeles, WA

This was a delight to perform! Flexible casting allowed us to have a large cast and our audiences were entertained and uplifted (as were we!).

Cindy Reed, Warren Central High School, Indianapolis, IN

Directing Kindergarten was both a challenge and a delight. My students will never forget this play because the fast pacing and numerous scenes gave them an opportunity to develop skills that they never knew they had!

Carol J. Pease, Anderson County High School, Lawrenceburg, KY

Wonderful, uplifting stories about the profound moments found in everyday life.

Rev. David Pendleton, Christ Community Church, Olathe, KS

An exciting and faithful adaptation of Fulghum's stories that our audiences loved. With so many scenes we expanded the cast to nearly 30 and found this allowed many students to share in the experience. The themes are relevant for cast and audience and the truth that rings in each scene made this one of our most memorable productions.

Lyle Johnson, Albert E. Peacock Collegiate, Moose Jaw, SK

Kindergarten is a great show for a variable number of students. It can be expanded to use additional actors and can be done with minimal set. It's relevant to everyone, young and old and from all walks of life.

Christopher Urban, Peru CSD, Peru, N.Y.

This is my fifth time doing this lovely show. It's always a winner!

Jerald Cohagan, College Church of the Nazarene, Bourbonnais, Ill.

This show is such a good mixture of materials for audiences of all ages. It has happy moments, sad moments, and some very touching moments. It's such a great show with many moments to feature some of your star actors because monologues are quite challenging.

Jonathan Collura, Bishop Hartley High School, Columbus, Ohio

Great adaptation of Fulghum's work! Heartwarming, funny and serious with a great message for the audience. Easy to produce and very flexible casting.

Matthew Frick, Salt Lake Lutheran High School, Salt Lake City, Utah

Great show. Worked well virtually. Fun music and touching and heartwarming stories. Lots of opportunities for funny characters and practice with emotion and depth of character.

Mike McConaughey, Newberg High School, Newberg, Oregon

It was a blast to produce. We were able to cast everyone who auditioned. It was easy and fun to stage.

Brandi Walker, Wichita Falls High School, Wichita Falls, Texas

Kindergarten is so charming. The show was such a hit that Poplar Bluff High School will take it to Edinburgh, Scotland, in August to the Fringe Festival. We love the universal appeal. Casting is flexible, which is another joy of the script.

JoNell Seifert, Poplar Bluff High School, Poplar Bluff, Mo.

This is my third time directing the pieceÑtwice in a high school, once professionallyÑso I admire the storytelling, style and message of the piece. It is a timeless reflection of the lifelong lessons in being truly human.

James Gandolfo, Hampton Roads Academy, Newport News, Va.

This is a wonderful show for flexible cast and staging. Beautifully rich script full of truth and understanding. It was fun to produce, but better than that, taught life lessons that will stay with our cast and audience forever. People are still talking about it one month later!

Rich Luedeke, Blackhawk Christian School, Fort Wayne, Ind.

What a joy to produce! Not only did the students perform it, they grew by working on it as well.

Mr. J. D. Gonzalez, Kellogsville H. S., Grand Rapids, MI

Because it is a more difficult and mature play than our students are used to, they had some doubts. But near the end of rehearsals, they saw how good the material was. Our audiences responded well. The students were attentive and many adults commented on how good the acting was and that it was a show requiring the audience to think. One actor was surprised to see some in the audience in tears during some dramatic monologs.

Roger Finnell, Fenwick High School, Oak Park, IL

Kindergarten was an excellent choice for my students this fall. This is a rebuilding year for us because we lost a number of talented seniors last June. I was able to cast every student who auditioned, including the new / young / inexperienced actors. The vignettes require a variety of characters and difficulty levels, so every student had at least several speaking parts as narrators or actors within the stories. I selected the musical version and this gave our top singers opportunity to enhance the presentation with vocals.

Betsie Wotherspoon, Fairfield High School, Fairfield, Iowa

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten proved to be the perfect choice for our first faculty show in seventeen years. The vignette format made rehearsals manageable for the teachers, and the message was accessible and encouraging. It was a hit!

Billy Dragoo, Stephen F. Austin HS, Austin, Texas

This show was conducive to working around our (Covid-19) limitations.

Karen Logue, West T. Hill Community Theatre, Junction City, Ky.

This show was a perfect choice for us during the pandemic. It allowed for social distancing, changes could be made in casting, and alternate scenes were allowed. The students really enjoyed performing it.

Lynn Just, Hillsboro High School, Hillsboro, Kan.

Hints, Tips, and Tricks

I would encourage people to include the music! It's really moving.

Billy Dragoo, Stephen F. Austin HS, Austin, Texas

I used most of the high school vignettes offered in Appendix D. There is dramatic structure within the Act I and Act II suggested order, so there is rising action and a climax at the end of each Act. I also purchased the full musical accompaniment and sound effects for $100 from the vendor suggested by my customer service representative, Flat 5 Press and Recording (flat5.com). This added so much to the performance! It includes transitional music, underscore music, and all sound effects needed in addition to skillful accompaniment. for all songs. I kept the costumes and set simple, using easily-moved tables, chairs and blocks. We built some oversized kindergarten class items for the first four scenes (a box of crayons, a fingerpaint jar, and ABC blocks). The stage managers and I located a number of images to project, which gave the audience background information and visuals during transitions and the scenes. One example in our photos is an actual tree from the Solomon Islands.

Betsie Wotherspoon, Fairfield High School, Fairfield, Iowa

Our lobby display featured pictures of our cast when they were in kindergarten.

Kate Lindsay, Salina High School South, Salina Kansas

I had to read it twice before grasping how much creativity was allowed.

Bonnie Perry, Schoolhouse Players, Bartow, Ga.

Do use sound effects and music. It helps a lot for the audience to get the special messages.

Arlene Millerman, Shortgrass Playhouse, Hobart, Okla.

I cast 15 in this show, which allowed each actor to hone their parts. I built a 15' X 8' wedge to use as our trap door for both "Howard" and "Stuff." We used it for actors' entrances and exits as well!

Jo Husslein, Hartford Players, Inc., Hartford, Wis.

Keep set and costumes absolutely simple. The content of the show will sell itself. Focus on the acting and storytelling skills of the performers.

Melinda Heger, North Decatur Junior/Senior High School, Greensburg, Ind.

We built a playground-type set ... with a sliding board and a swing.

Jon Blackstock, Wildcat Players!, Tiger, Ga.

We went to a kindergarten class to study their physical traits and played with them to reignite our connections with that phase of life. We posted pictures of the cast when they were in kindergarten instead of head shots in the lobby.

Cynthia Ogden, High School for Performing and Visual Arts, Houston, Texas

Media Reviews

"Heartwarming, charming, funny and touching. The stories are about all of us." -National Public Radio

"A refreshingly intimate combination of theatre and storytelling. Gentle … funny … joyous. Sparks of recognition ignited the audience." -The Chicago Sun-Times

"A lighthearted, beautifully styled dramatization of Fulghum's writings." -Syracuse Herald Journal

Production Map

Location City State Opens Closes
Stockton High School Stockton MO 03/28/2025 03/29/2025
STAGECENTER THEATRE Bryan TX 04/24/2025 04/27/2025
Ouachita Little Theatre Mena AR 05/09/2025 05/18/2025
Elks Lodge Cadillac MI 06/14/2025 06/21/2025
BEAHS PAC Blue Earth MN 07/17/2025 07/20/2025
Apollo Civic Theatre Martinsburg WV 02/13/2026 02/22/2026



The Kindergarten Song mp3 Download
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The Stuff in the Sink mp3 Download
The Bench mp3 Download
Reflect the Light mp3 Download
Uh-Oh mp3 Download
Yes mp3 Download
Tomb With a View mp3 Download


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Performance Poster pdf Download

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  • You can print the poster in its original format and hand write your information.
  • Your local copy shop should be able to create prints from a file saved to disk. They might even be able to increase the size of the poster for you (although some loss of resolution will occur).

Poster permissions: Please note that while the posters are customizable, the graphics and credits on each poster are not. The permission to manipulate any of the posters on our website is strictly limited to the production promotion box at the bottom of the poster. The graphics and all other text including author credits, title, etc., may not be manipulated in any way. This permission does not include the right to reproduce the graphics on any other media without the express written consent of Dramatic Publishing.

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