Off-Broadway, dinner theatres, conductors, casting calls, costumes, agents, directors, producers, documentaries, film editors, voice-overs, set designers, soaps and much more. Here is a practical, professional, no-nonsense how-to book that tells you the truth about making it in the incredibly difficult field of show business. This is a book not only for the actor but for anyone who wants to be in any facet of the show business industry. June Walker Rogers was the ideal choice to write and assemble this theatrical survival kit because she herself has been a success and a survivor in many areas of this business as a singer, dancer, actress, director and playwright. She also has close friends among some conspicuously successful people in all of these areas, and they've revealed their knowledge to her as they never would have to an outsider. Thus, this book will make you an instant insider. Agents and casting directors explain what they look for in young talent. There are also stars, film producers, managers and others who reveal the key to sometimes critical moments in their careers. This book brings you immediate sophistication and we urge you to read it. With this book as a guide, you've just changed the odds to "dramatically in your favor." 6 x 8 1/4—183 pages.