By Josefina López.
Product Code: CA2000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 1w.
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This is the first in a series of monologues by the author for the Latina actor. This collection is specifically designed for actors under 30 who would like to perform in a one-woman show. The magnificent monologues include: Rosie, 10, a walking media sponge who has her own TV network in the bathroom; Sofia, 16, a barrio girl who has a white boyfriend and is tempted to get pregnant to get out of the barrio; Lolita Corazón, 25, who teases and punishes men with her powerful sexuality; Tiffany, 20, a valley girl and a Chicana activist who finds courage and strength in Frida Kahlo's paintings; Roxie, 30, a self-defense instructor who accidentally attacks a man who was merely going to ask her for the time; and Valentina, 26, a Chicana activist who is trying to organize her people to fight racism and Proposition 187.