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Integration of Abilities

Integration of Abilities

By Paul Baker. Photographs by Diane Koos Gentry.

Product Code: IB8000


In Stock


This book is an insight into Paul Baker's famous Integration of Abilities course through an informal conversational format and liberally embellished with photographs. This unorthodox experience in learning evolved over four decades of Baker's classroom work. His teaching career earned many accolades, including Time magazine's praise as "one of the most effective college teachers in the country." Here is a highly personal, thought-provoking philosophy of creative work of limitless application to all of the arts—and life itself. The work of an outstanding pioneer in the field of creative learning. Paperback, perfect bound. 160 pages.


Newly revised in 2015!


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Book
  • Product Code IB8000


  • ISBN(13) 9780876020050